33 And of Merari came the kynredes of the Mahelytes, and of the Musites: and these are the kynredes of the Merarites.
34 And the numbre of them (when all the males from a moneth olde and aboue was told) drewe vnto .vi. thousande, and two hundred.
35 And the captaine of the most auncient house among the kynredes of the Merarites, was Zuriel the sonne Abihael whyche pytched on the northsyde of the dwellynge.
36 And the offyce of the sonnes of merari was to kepe the bordes of the dwellyng & the barres, pyllers wt the sockets therof, and all the instrumentes therof & al that serued therto:
37 and the pillers of the court rounde aboute & their sockettes with their pynnes & cordes.
38 But on the forefront of the habitacion & before the tabernacle of wytnesse eastward, shal Moses & Aaron & hys sonnes pytch, & wayte on the sanctuary in the steade of the chyldren of Israel. And the straunger that cometh nye, shal dye for it.