21 And Israell sent messengers vnto Sehon, kyng of the Amorites sayinge:
22 lett vs go thorowe thy lande: we wyll not turne into thy feildes nor into thy viniyardes, neither dryncke of the water of the welles: but we wil go alonge by the commen way vntyll we be past thy contrey.
23 And Sehon wold giue Israel no lycence to passe thorow hys contrey, but gathered al hys people togyther, & went oute agaynste Israell into the wyldernesse. And he came to Iaheza and foughte wyth Israell.
24 And Israel smote hym wt the edge of the swerde & conquered his Land, from Arnon vnto Iabock: euen vnto the children of Ammon For the borders of the chyldren of Ammon, are strong.
25 And Israell toke all these cytyes & dwelte in all the cyties of the Amorites: in Hesbon & in al the townes that longe therto.