Numbers 18:8-20

Matthew(i) 8 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: behold I haue geuen the, the kepyng of mine heueofferynges in al the halowed thynges of the chyldren of Israel. And vnto the I haue geuen them vnto anoyntynge and to thy sonnes: to be a dutye for euer. 9 Thys shall be thyne of most holy sacrifices. Al theyr giftes, thorow out al their meateofferynges synofferinges and trespace offerynges whyche they bringe vnto me. They shall be most holy vnto the & vnto thy sonnes. 10 And ye shal eat it in the most holy place: all that are males shall eate of it for it shal be holye vnto the. 11 And this shalbe thine: the heueofferinges of theyr gyftes, thorowout all the waueofferynges of the chyldren of Israel, for I haue geuen them to the, & thy sonnes, & thy daughters wyth the to be a dutye for euer: and all that are cleane in thy house, shall eate of it, 12 al the fatt of the oyle, of the wyne and of the corne theyr fyrste frutes whych they geue vnto the Lorde that haue I geuen vnto the. 13 The first frutes of all that is in theyr Landes whyche they brynge vnto the Lorde, shall be thyne: and all that are cleane in thyne house, shall eate of it. 14 Al dedicate thynges in Israel, shalbe thine 15 All that breaketh the matryce of all fleshe that men brynge vnto the Lorde, both of man and beast, shall be thyne. Neuerthelater the fyrst borne of man shall be redemed, and the fyrst borne of vncleane beastes shal be redemed. 16 And theyr redemptions shall be at a moneth olde, valued at fyue sycles of siluer, of the holye sycle. A sycle maketh twentye Geras. 17 But the fyrst borne of oxen, shepe, & gotes shall not be redemed. For they are holy, and thou shalt sprinkle theyr bloud vpon the alter, and shalt bourne their fat to be a sacrifice of a swete sauour vnto the Lord. 18 And the fleshe of them shal be thyne, as the wauebrest & all the ryght shoulder is thyne 19 al the holy heaueofferinges whych the chyldren of Israel heaue vnto the Lorde, I gyue the and thy sonnes and thy daughters with the to be a duti foreuer. And it shalbe a salted couenaunte for euer, before the Lorde: vnto the and thy seed wyth the. 20 And the Lorde spake vnto Aaron: thou shalt haue none enheritaunce in theyr Land nor parte amonge them. For I am thy parte and thy enheritaunce amonge the children of Israel.