Numbers 18:24-28

Matthew(i) 24 For the tythes of the chyldren of Israell whych they heaue vnto the Lorde, I haue geuen the Leuites to enherite. Wherfore I haue said vnto them: Among the children of Israel ye shal enherite none enheritaunce. 25 And the Lord spake vnto Moses saying: 26 speake vnto the Leuites and say vnto them: when ye take of the chyldren of Israel the tithes whych I haue geuen you of them to your enheritaunce, ye shall take an heaueoffering of that same for the Lorde: euen the tenthe of that tythe. 27 And it shall be rekened vnto you for your heaueofferynge, euen as though ye gaue corne out of the barne or a fulofferyng from the wyne presse. 28 And of this maner ye shal heaue an heaueofferynge vnto the Lorde, of all your tythes whyche ye receyue of the chyldren of Israel and ye shal gyue therof the lordes heaueofferyng vnto Aaron the prieste.