Nehemiah 2:1-8

Matthew(i) 1 In the moneth Nisan in the twentieth yeare of kynge Arthaxerses, when the wyne stode before him, I toke vp the wyne, & gaue it vnto the kynge & I was heauy in hys presence. 2 Then sayd the kyng vnto me: why lokest thou so sadly? Thou arte not sick, that is not the matter, but thou arte heuy herted. Neuerthelesse I was sore afrayed 3 & sayde vnto the kynge: God saue the kynges lyfe for euer, shulde I not loke sadly? the cytye of my fathers buryall lyeth waste & the gates thereof are consumed with fyre. 4 Then sayde the kyng vnto me: what is then thy request? then made I my prayer to the God of heauen, 5 and sayde vnto the king: yf it please the kyng, and yf thy seruaunte be fauoured in thy syghte, I be seke the sende me into Iuda vnto the cytye of my fathers buriall, that I maye buylde it. 6 And the kynge sayde vnto me, & so dyd the quene that sat by him: how long shal thy iourney continue, & when wylt thou come againe? And it pleased the kinge to sende me, and I set hym a tyme, 7 and sayde vnto the kynge: yf it please the kynge, let hym geue me letters to the capptaynes beyond the water, that they may conueye me ouer, tyll I come into Iuda: 8 & letters vnto Asaph the Lord of the kynges wood that he may geue me wood for beames to the gates of the palace, which are hard on the house and harde on the walles of the citie, and for the house that I shall entre into. And the kynge gaue me accordynge to the good hand of God vpon me: