Nehemiah 13:19-22

Matthew(i) 19 And it fortuned, that when the porters of Ierusalem made shadowe before the Saboth, I commaunded to shut the gathes, & charged, that they shulde not be opened tyl after the Saboth & some of my seruauntes set I at the gates, that here shulde no burthen be broughte in on the Saboth daye. 20 Then remayned the chapmen and marchauntes ones or twyce ouer nyghte wythoute Ierusalem wyth all maner of wares. 21 Then reproued I them sore, and sayd vnto them: why tarye ye all nyghte aboute the wall? If ye do it ones agayne, I wyll lay handes vpon you. From that tyme forthe came they no more on the Saboth. 22 And I sayde vnto the Leuytes whiche were cleane, that they shulde come and kepe the gates, to halowe the Saboth daye. Thynke vpon me (O my God) concernynge this also, and spare me according to thy greate mercy.