8 Yee the resydue of Iacob shalbe amonge the Gentyles and the multitude of people, as the lyon amonge the beastes of the wod, and as the Lyons whelpe amonge a flocke of shepe: whyche (when he goeth thorowe) treadeth downe, teareth in peces, and there is no man that can helpe.
9 Thyne hande shalbe lyft vp vpon thyne enemyes, and all thyne aduersaries shall perish.
10 The tyme shall come also, sayeth the Lord, that I wyll take thyne horses from the, and destroye thy charettes.
11 I wyll breake downe the cytyes of thy lande, and ouerthrowe all thy stronge holdes.
12 All witchcraftes wyll I rote oute of thyne hande, there shall no mo soyth sayinges be within the.
13 Thyne Idols and thyne Images will I destroye out of the so that thou shalt nomore bowe thy selfe vnto the worckes of thyne owne handes.
14 Thy groues wyll I plucke vp by the rotes, and breake downe the cyties.
15 Thus wyll I be auenged also, vpon all the Heathen that wyll not heare.