Matthew 9:1-19:2

Matthew(i) 1 Then he entred into a shyppe & passed ouer and came into his owne citie. 2 And, lo thei brought to him a man sycke of the palsye, lyinge in his bedde. And when Iesus sawe the faith of them he said to the sick of the palsie sonne be of good chere, thy sinnes be forgeuen the. 3 And beholde certayne of the scribes sayd in them selues, thys man blasphemeth. 4 And when Iesus sawe theyr thoughtes, he sayed: wherfor thinke ye euill in your hertes? 5 Whether is easyer to saye, thy synnes be forgeuen the, or to saye: aryse and walke? 6 That ye maye knowe that the sonne of man hath power to forgeue synnes in earth: then sayed he vnto the sicke of the palsie: aryse, take vp thy bed, and go home to thyne house. 7 And he arose and departed to hys owne house. 8 And when the people sawe it, they marueyled & glorifyed God whiche hath geuen suche power to men. 9 And as Iesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man syt receyuyng of custome named Mathew, and sayd to hym: folow me. 10 And he arose and folowed hym. And it came to passe, as he sate at meat in the house: beholde many Publicans, and synners came and sate doune also with Iesus and hys disciples. 11 When the Phariseis sawe that, they sayed to hys disciples: why eateth your master with Publicans and synners? 12 When Iesus heard that he sayed vnto them: The whole neade not the Phisicion, but they that are sicke. 13 Go, and learne, what that meaneth: I haue pleasure in mercye, & not in offerynge. For I am not come to cal the ryghtuouse but the synners to repentaunce. 14 Then came the disciples of Iohn to hym saying: why do we and the Pharises fast ofte: but thy disciples fast not? 15 And Iesus sayd vnto them. Can the weddyng children morne as long as the bridegrome is with them? The tyme will come when the bridegrome shalbe taken from them, and then shal they faste: 16 No man peceth an olde garment with a pece of newe clothe. For then taketh he awaye the pece agayne from the garment, and the rente is made greater. 17 Nether do men put newe wyne into olde vessels, for then the vessels breake and the wyne runneth out, and the vessels peryshe. But they poure newe wyne into newe vessels, and so are both saued together. 18 Whyles he thus spake vnto them, behold there came a certaine rueler, and worshipped him sayinge my doughter is euen now dyseased, but come and lay thy hand on her, and she shall lyue. 19 And Iesus arose and folowed him with his disciples. 20 And beholde, a woman which was diseased with an issue of bloude .xij. yeres, came behinde him and touched the hem of his vesture. 21 For she said in her selfe: if I maye touche but euen his vesture only, I shalbe safe. 22 Then Iesus tourned him about, & behelde her saynge: Doughter be of good comforth, thy faith hath made the safe. And she was made whole euen that same houre. 23 And when Iesus came into the rulers house, and sawe the ministrels and the people raginge, 24 he sayd vnto them: Get you hence, for the mayde is not dead, but slepeth. And they laughed him to scorne. 25 Assone as the people were put forth, he went in and toke her by the hande, and the mayde arose. 26 And this was noysed through out all that lande. 27 And as Iesus departed thence, two blinde men folowed hym cryinge and sayinge: O thou sonne of Dauid haue mercy on vs. 28 And when he was come into the house, the blynde came to him. And Iesus saide vnto them: Beleue ye that I am able to do this? And they sayde vnto him: ye Lorde. 29 Then touched he their eyes, sayinge: accordinge to your fayth, be it vnto you. 30 And their eyes were opened. And Iesus charged them sayinge: Se that no man knowe of it. 31 But they assone as they were departed, spred abrode his name through out all the lande. 32 As they were come out behold, a domme man possessed of a deuil, was brought to him. 33 And as sone as the deuyl was cast out, the domme spake: And the people meruayled: sayinge: it was neuer so sene in Israell. 34 But the pharyseis sayed: he casteth out deuils, by the power of the chiefe deuyl. 35 And Iesus went aboute all cytyes and tounes, teachinge in their synagoges and preachinge the gladde tidinges of the kingdome, and healinge all maner sicknes and disease amonge the people. 36 But when he sawe the people, he had compassyon on them, because they were pyned awaye, and scattred abroad, euen as shepe hauinge no shepeherde. 37 Then sayde he to his disciples: the herueste is greate, but the labourers are fewe. 38 Wherfore pray the Lord of the haruest to send forth labourers into his haruest. 10 1 And he called his .xij. Disciples vnto him & gaue theym power ouer vncleane spyrytes, to caste them out, and to heale all maner of sycknesses, and al maner of diseases. 2 The names of the .xij. Apostles are these. The fyrst Simon called also Peter: and Andrewe his brother. Iames the sonne of Zebede, and Iohn his brother: 3 Philip and Bartlemew. Thomas and Mathewe the publican. Iames the sonne of Alphe, and Lebbius otherwyse called Taddeus. 4 Symon of Cane, and Iudus Iscarioth which also betrayed hym. 5 These .xij. sent Iesus forth after he had geuen to them commaundement sainge Go not into the wayes that lead to the gentyls, & into the cityes of the Samaritanes enter ye not. 6 But go rather to the lost shepe of the house of Israel. 7 Go and preache sayinge: that the kingdome of heauen is at hande. 8 Heale the sicke, clense the lepers, raise the dead, cast out the deuils. Frely ye haue receyued, frely geue againe. 9 Possesse not golde, nor syluer, nor brasse in your girdles, 10 nor yet scrip towardes your yourney: neither two cotes neyther shues, nor yet a staste. For the worck man is worthye to haue his meate. 11 Into whatsoeuer citye or toune ye shall come enquire who is worthye in it, & there abyde tyl ye go thence 12 And when ye come into an house salute the same. 13 And if the house be worthy, your peace shall come vpon it. But if it be not worthy, your peace shall retourne to you againe. 14 And whosoeuer shall not receiue you, nor wyll heare your preachinge: when ye departe out of that house or that cytye, shake of the duste of your fete. 15 Truly I say vnto you: it shalbe easyer for the lande of Sodoma & Gomorra in the daye of iudgement then for that citie. 16 Beholde I sende you forth as shepe among wolues. Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes, and innocent as doues. 17 Beware of men, for they shall delyuer you vp to the counsels, and shall stourge you in their synagoges. 18 And ye shalbe brought to the head rulers and kinges for my sake, in witnes to them & to the gentyls. 19 But when they deliuer you vp take no thought howe or what ye shall speake, for it shalbe geuen you, euen in that same houre, what ye shal saye. 20 For it is not ye that speake, but the sprete of your father which speaketh in you. 21 The brother shall betraye the brother to death, and the father the sonne. And the children shall aryse againste their fathers & mothers, and shall put them to death: 22 and ye shal be hated of all men for my name. But he that endureth to the ende shalbe saued. 23 When they persecute you in one citye, flye into another. I tell you for a truthe, ye shall not fynishe all the cityes of Israel, tyl the sonne of man become. 24 The discyples is not aboue his master: nor yet the seruaunt aboue his Lorde. 25 It is ynough for the discyple to be as his master is, and that the seruaunt be as hys Lorde is. If they haue called the good man of the house him selfe belzebub: how muche more shal they call them of his housholde so? 26 Fear them not therfore. Therfore is nothinge so close, that shal not be opened, & nothing so hid, that shal not be knowen. 27 What I tell you in darkenes, that speake ye in light. And what ye heare in the eare, that preache ye on the house toppes. 28 And feare ye not them which kil the body, and be not able to kill the soule. But rather feare him, which is able to destroy both soule & body into hell. 29 Are not two sparowes solde for a farthyng? And none of them doth lyght on the grounde, without your father. 30 And now are all that heires of your heades numbred. 31 Feare ye not therfore: ye are of more value then many sparowes. 32 Whosoeuer therfore shall acknowlege me before men, hym will I acknowledge also before my father which is in heauen. 33 But whosoeuer shall deny me before men, hym will I also deny before my father which is in heauen. 34 Thinke not that I am come to sende peace into the earth. I came not to sende peace but a swerd. 35 For I am come to set a man at variaunce agaynst hys father, and the doughter against her mother, and the doughterlaw against her motherlaw: 36 And a mans fooes shall be they of hys owne housholde. 37 He that loueth hys father, or mother more then me, is not mete for me. And he that loueth hys sonne or doughter more then me, is not mete for me. 38 And he that taketh not hys crosse & foloweth me, is not mete for me. 39 He that findeth hys lyfe, shal loose it: and he that looseth hys lyfe for my sake, shall fynde it. 40 He that receyueth you, receyueth me: & he that receyueth me, receiueth him that sent me, 41 He that receyueth a Prophet in the name of a prophet, shall receyue a prophetes reward. And he that receyueth a righteouse man in the name of a righteous man, shal receyue the rewarde of a righteous man. 42 And whosoeuer shall geue vnto one of these lytle ones to drinke, a cuppe of colde water only, in the name of a discypell: I tell you of a truthe, he shall not lose his rewarde. 11 1 And it came to passe when Iesus had made an ende of commaundinge his .xij. disciples, he departed thence to teache and to preache in their cityes. 2 When Iohn beinge in prison hearde the workes of Christe, he sent two of his discyples 3 and sayd vnto him. Art thou he that shal come: or shall we loke for another. 4 Iesus anuswered and saide vnto them. Go and shewe Ihon what ye haue hearde & sene. 5 The blinde se, the halt go, the lepers are clensed: the deaf heare, the dead ryse againe, and the glade tydinges is preached to the poore. 6 And happye is he that is not offended by me. 7 And as thei departed Iesus began to speake vnto the people of Iohn. What thing went ye out into the wildernes to se? wente ye out to se a rede shaken with the winde? 8 other what wente ye out for to se? A man clothed in soft rayment? Beholde they that weare softe clothed, are in kinges houses. 9 But what went ye out for to se? A prophete. Yea, I say vnto you, and more then a prophete. 10 For this is he of whom it is written. Beholde, I sende my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before the. 11 Verely I say vnto you, amonge the children of women arose ther not a greater then Iohn the Baptist. Notwithstandinge he that is lesse in the kingdome of heauen, is greater then he. 12 From the tyme of Iohn Baptiste hitherto, the kingdome of heauen suffreth violence, and they that go to it with violence plucke it vnto them. 13 For all the prophetes and the lawe prophecyed vnto the tyme of Iohn. 14 And if ye wyll receyue it, this is that Helias which shoulde come. 15 He that hath eares to heare let hym heare. 16 But wherunto shal I lyke this generacion? It is lyke vnto children which syt in the market and call vnto their felowes, 17 and saye we haue pyped vnto you, & ye haue not daunced? We haue morned vnto you, and ye haue not sorowed. 18 For Iohn came neyther eatynge nor drinkinge, and they say, he hath the deuyl. 19 The sonne of man came eatinge and drynking, and they saye, beholde a glutton and drinker of wine, and a frende vnto publicans and synners. Neuerthelater wysdome is iustifyed of her children. 20 Then began he to vpbrayd the cytyes, in which most of his miracles were done, because they mended not. 21 Wo be to the Chorasin. Wo be to the Bethzaida: for if the miracles which were shewed in you, had be done in Tyre and Sidon, they had repented longe agone in sackcloth and ashes. 22 Neuerthelesse I saye to you: it shall be easier for Tyre and Sydon at the daye of iudgement, then for you. 23 And thou Capernaum, which art lyft vp vnto heauen, shall be brought doune to hell. For if the miracles which haue bene done in the, had be shewed in Zodome: they had remayned to this daye. 24 Neuerthelesse I saye vnto you: it shall be easyer for the lande of Zodom in the daye of iudgement, then for the. 25 At that time Iesus aunswered and said: I prayse the, O father Lorde of heauen and earth, because thou hast hid these thinges from the wyse and prudent, and hast opened theim vnto babes: 26 euen so father, for so it pleased the. 27 All thinges are geuen vnto me of my father. And no man knoweth the sonne but the father: neyther knoweth anye man the father, saue the sonne, and he to whom the sonne wyl open hym. 28 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I wyll ease you. 29 Take my yocke on you and learne of me, for I am meke and lowly in herte: and ye shall fynde reste vnto your soules. 30 For my yocke is easy: and my burden is lyght. 12 1 In that tyme went Iesus on the Saboth dayes thorowe the corne and his discyples were an hungred, and began to plucke the eares of corne and to eate. 2 When the Phariseis sawe that they sayde vnto him: Beholde, thy discyples do that which is not laufwl to do vpon the saboth daye. 3 He sayde vnto them: Haue ye not read what Dauid dyd, when he was an hungred, and they also whiche were with hym? 4 How he entred into the house of God, & eate the halowed louwes, which were not lawful, for him to eate, neyther for them which were with him but onlye for the priestes. 5 Or haue ye not read in the law, how that the pryestes in the temple breake the saboth day, and yet are blamlesse: 6 But I say vnto you: that here is one greater then the temple. 7 Wherfore if ye had wist what this sayinge meaneth: I require mercye and not sacrifyce: ye would neuer haue condemned innocentes: 8 For the sonne of man is Lorde euen of the saboth day. 9 And he departed thence, and went into their synagoge: 10 and beholde there was a man which had his hande dryed vp. And they axed hym sayinge: is it lawful to heale vpon the saboth dayes? because they myght accuse him. 11 And he sayd vnto them. Which of you wolde it be, if he had a shepe fallen into a pitte on the saboth daye, that woulde not take hym and lyft hym out? 12 And how muche is a man better then a shepe? Wherfore it is lawful to do a good dede on the saboth dayes. 13 Then sayde he to the man: stretch forth thy hande. And he stetched it forth. And it was made whole again lyke vnto the other. 14 Then the pharyseis went out, and held a counsel against him, how they might destroy hym. 15 When Iesus knewe that, he departed thence, and much people folowed hym, and he healed them all, 16 and charged them, that they shoulde not make him knowen: 17 to fulfyll that which was spoken by Esaye the prophete, which sayeth. 18 Beholde my chylde, whom I haue chosen my beloued, in whom my soule delyteth. I wyll put my sprryte on him, and he shall shew iudgement to the gentils. 19 He shall not striue, he shal not cry neither shal any man hear his voice in the stretes, 20 a brosed rede shalnot he breake, & flaxe the beginneth to burne he shal not quenche, tyll he sende forth iudgemen vnto to victory, 21 and in his name shall the gentyls truste. 22 Then was brought to him, one possessed with a deuyll which was both blinde & dombe: and he healed him, insomuch that he which was blinde and dombe, both spake and sawe. 23 And al the people were amased, and sayde: Is not this that sonne of Dauid? 24 But when the Pharyseis hearde that they sayde: This felowe driueth the deuils no nother wyse out but by the helpe of Belzebub the chiefe of the deuils. 25 But Iesus knewe their thoughtes, and sayed to them. Euery Kingdome deuided within it selfe, shall be brought to naught. Neyther shall anye cytye or housholde deuided against it selfe continue. 26 So if sathan cast out sathan, then is he deuided againste him selfe Howe shall then his kingdome endure? 27 Also if I by the helpe of belzabub cast out deuils: by whose helpe do your children caste them out? Therfore they shalbe your iudges. 28 But if I cast out the deuyls by the sprete of God: then is the kingdome of God come on you? 29 Eyther how can a man enter into a strong mans house, and violently take away his goodes: except he first binde the stronge man, and then spoyle his house? 30 He that is not with me, is against me. And he that gathereth not with me, scattereth abrode. 31 Wherfore I saye vnto you, all maner of synne and blasphemy of forgeuen vnto men: but the blasphemy of the sprete, shall not be forgeuen vnto men. 32 And whosoeuer speaketh a worde against the sonne of man, it shall be forgeuen him. But whosoeuer speaketh againste the holye ghost, it shall not be forgeuen him: no, neyther in this worlde, neyther in the worlde to come. 33 Either make the tree good, and his frute good also: or els make the tree euyll, and hys frute euyll also. For the tree is knowen by his frute. 34 O generation of vipers, how can ye say well, when ye your selues are euil? For of the aboundaunce of the herte, the mouth speaketh. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of hys herte, bringeth forth good thinges. And an euill man out of his euill treasure, bringeth forth euil thinges. 36 But I say vnto you, that of euery idell worde that men shall haue spoken: they shall geue a countes at the daye of iudgement. 37 For thy wordes thou shalt be iustified: & by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned. 38 Then aunswered certaine of the scrybes and of the Phariseis sayinge. Master, we woulde fayne se a sygne of the. 39 He aunswered and said to them: The euyll and aduouterous generation seketh a sygne, but there shal no sygne be geuen to them, saue the signe of the prophete Ionas. 40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales bellye: so shall the sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the herte of the earth. 41 The men of Niniuye shall ryse at the daye of iudgement with this nacion, and condemne them: for thei amended at the preaching of Ionas: And beholde, a greater then Ionas is here. 42 The quene of the south shall ryse at the daye of iudgement with this generacion, and shall condemne theim: for she came from the vttermost parties of the worlde to hear the wysdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomon is here. 43 When the vncleane spirite is gone out of a man he walketh through out dry places, se kinge rest and fyndeth none. 44 Then he sayth: I wyll retourne againe into my house, from whence I came out. And when he is come, he fyndeth the house empty and swepte and garnished. 45 Then he goeth his way and taketh vnto him seuen other spirites worsse then hym selfe, and so enter they in and dwell there. And the ende of that man is worsse then the beginning. Euen so shall it be with this euill nacion. 46 Whyle he yet talked to the people: beholde his mother and his brethren stode without, desyrynge to speake with hym. 47 Then one sayd vnto: beholde thy mother and brethren stande without, desyrynge to speake with the. 48 He aunswered and sayd to hym that tolde him: Who is my mother? Who are my brethren? 49 And he stretched forth his hande ouer his disciples, and sayd: beholde my mother & my brethren. 50 For whosoeuer doth my fathers wyll which is in heauen, the same is my brother, syster and mother. 13 1 The same daye wente Iesus out of the house, and sate by the sea syde, 2 and much people resorted vnto hym, so greatly that he went and sate in a shyppe, and all the people stode on the shore. 3 And he spake many thinges to them in symilitudes, saying, beholde, the sower went forth to sowe. 4 And as he sowed, some fel by the wayes syde, and the foules came and deuoured it vp. 5 Some fell vpon stonye grounde where it hadde not muche earth: and anon it sprong vp, because it had no depth of earth: 6 & when the sunne was vp, it caughte heate, and for lacke of rotynge wyddred awaye. 7 Some fel among thornes, & the thornes sprong vp and chooked it. 8 Parte fell in good grounde, and brought forth good frute: some an hundred fold, some sixtie folde, some thyrty folde. 9 Whosoeuer hath eares to heare let hym heare. 10 And the disciples came and sayde to hym: Why speakest thou to them in parables? 11 He aunswered and sayde vnto theym: it is geuen vnto you to know the secretes of the kyngdom of heauen, but to them it is not geuen 12 For whosoeuer hath to hym shalbe geuen, and he shall haue aboundaunce. But whosoeuer hath not: from hym shalbe taken awaye euen that he hath. 13 Therfore speake I to them in similitudes: for though they se, they se not: and hearyng they heare not: neyther vnderstand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the Prophesye of Esayas, whych prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shal heare, and shal not vnderstande, and with the eyes ye shal se, and shall not perceyue. 15 For this people hertes are waxed grosse, and their eares were dull of hearynge, and their eyes haue they closed, lest they should se with their eyes, and heare with their eares, and shoulde vnderstand with their hertes, & should tourne that I myght heale them. 16 But blessed are your eyes, for they se: and your eares, for thei heare. 17 Verely I say vnto you, that many Prophetes and perfecte men haue desired to se the thinges whyche ye se, & haue not sene theim: and to heare the thynges which ye heare, and haue not heard them. 18 Heare ye therfore the similitude of the sower. 19 Whosoeuer heareth the word of the kyngedome and vnderstandeth it not, there cometh the euill man, and catcheth awaye that which was sowen in hys hert, and this is he whiche was sowen by the way side. 20 But he that was sowen in the stony grounde, is he which heareth the worde of God, and anone with ioye receyueth it, 21 yet hath he no rootes in hym selfe, and therefore dureth but a season. For assone as tribulation or persecucion ariseth because of the word, by and by he falleth. 22 He that was sowen among thornes, is he that heareth the worde of God: but the care of thys world, and the disceythfulnes of ryches choke the word, & so is he made vnfruteful. 23 But he whiche is sowen in the good ground, is he that heareth the worde and vnderstandeth it, whiche also beareth frute and bryngeth forth, some an .C. folde, some sixtye folde, and some .xxx. folde. 24 Another similitude put he forth vnto them saying: The kyngedom of heauen is lyke vnto a man whiche sowed good seede in hys felde. 25 But whyle men slept there came hys foo and sowed tares amonge the wheate, and went hys waye. 26 When the blade was spronge vp, and had brought forth frute, then apeared the tares also. 27 The seruauntes came to the housholder, and sayde vnto hym: Sir sowedest not thou good seede in thy close? From whence then hath it tared? 28 He sayed to them: The enuious man hath done this. Then the seruauntes sayde vnto hym. Wilt thou then that we go and gadder them? 29 But he sayde, nay, lest whyle ye go about to wede oute the tares, ye plucke vp also wyth them the wheat by the rotes. 30 Let both growe together tyl haruest come, & in tyme of haruest, I wyl saye to the reapers, gather ye fyrst the tares, & bynde theym in shewes too be brent: but gather the wheate into my barne. 31 Another parable he put forth vnto them saying: The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seede, whiche a man taketh and soweth in hys felde, 32 whych is the leest of all seedes. But when it is growen it is the greatest among herbes, & it groweth vp into a tree: so that the byrdes of the ayre come and buylde in the braunches of it. 33 Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdom of heauen is lyke vnto leuen, which a woman taketh and hydeth in .iij. peckes of mele, tyll all be leuended. 34 All these thynges spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudes, and withoute similitudes spake he nothyng to them, 35 to fulfil that which was spoken by the Prophet saying: I wil open my mouth in similitudes, & will speake forth thynges whych haue ben kept secrete from the begynnyng of the world. 36 Then sente Iesus the people awaye, & came home. And hys disciples came vnto him sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde. 37 Then aunswered he & sayed to them. He that soweth the good seede, is the sonne of man. 38 And the fielde is the worlde. And the chyldren of the kyngdom, they are the good seede. And the tares are the chyldren of the wycked. 39 And the enemy that soweth them is the deuell. The Haruest is the ende of the worlde. And the reapers be the Aungels. 40 For euen as the tares are gaddred and brent in the fyre: so shall it be in the ende of thys worlde. 41 The sonne of man shall sende forth hys Aungels, and they shall gather out of hys kyngedom all thynges that offende, and them whych do iniquity, 42 and shall caste theim into a fournayce of fyre. There shalbe waylyng & gnasshyng of teth. 43 Then shall the iuste men shyne as bryght as the sunne in the kyngdom of theyr father. Whosoeuer hath eares to heare let hym heare. 44 Agayne the kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto treasure, hidde in the fielde, the whiche a man fyndeth and hyddeth: and for ioye therof goeth and selleth all that he hathe, and byeth that felde. 45 Agayne the kyngedome of heauen is lyke vnto a marchaunt that seketh good pearles, 46 whyche when he had founde one precious pearle, went and solde all that he hadde, and bought it. 47 Agayne the kyngedome of heauen is lyke vuto a nette cast into the sea, that gathered of all kyndes of fyshes: 48 whiche when it is full, men drow to lande, and sitte and gadre the good int vessels, and cast the bad awaye. 49 So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The aungels shall come out, and seuer the bad from the good, 50 and shall caste them into a furnayce of the fyre: there shalbe waylyng and gnashyng of teth. 51 Iesus sayd vnto them: vnderstande ye al these thynges? They sayde, ye Lord. 52 Then sayd he vnto them. Therfore euery Scribe which is taught vnto the kyngdome of heauen is lyke an housholder, whiche bringeth forth, out of his treasur, thinges both new & old. 53 And it came to passe when Iesus had finished these similitudes, that he departed thence 54 and came into hys owne countrey, and taught them in theyr sinagoges, in so much that they were astonyed and sayde: whence cometh all thys wysdome and power vnto hym? 55 Is not thys the carpenters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? and hys brethren be called Iames and Ioses and Simon and Iudas? 56 And are not hys sisters all here with vs? Whence hath he all these thinges. 57 And they were offended by hym. Then Iesus saide to them a Prophet is not without honor saue in his own countrey, & among his own kynne. 58 And he did not make miracles there, for their vnbeleues sake. 14 1 At that tyme Herode the Tetrarcha heard of the fame of Iesu, 2 & sayd vnto his seruantes. This is Ihon Baptiste. He is rysen agayne from death, and therefore are suche miracles wrought by hym. 3 For Herode had taken Ihon and bounde hym, & put hym in pryson for Herodias sake hys brother Philips wyfe. 4 For Ihon sayd vnto him. It is not lawfull for the to haue her. 5 And when he would haue put him to deth, he feared the people, because they counted hym as a Prophet. 6 But when Herodes byrth daie was come, the daughter of Heeodias daunsed before them and pleased Herode. 7 Wherefore he promysed with an othe, that he woulde geue her whatsoeuer she woulde axe. 8 And she beynge informed of her mother before sayd: geue me here Ihon Baptistes head in a platter. 9 And the king sorowed. Neuertheles for hys othe sake, & for theyr sakes that satte at also at the table, he commaunded it to be geuen her: 10 and sent & beheaded Ihon in the pryson, 11 and hys headde was brought in a platter and geuen to the damsel, and she brought it to her mother. 12 And hys disciples came and toke vp the body, and buried it: and went and tolde Iesus. 13 When Iesus heard that, he departed thence by shypp into a deserte place out of the waye. And when the people had hearde therof, they folowed him a fote out of theyr cities. 14 And Iesus went forth and sawe muche people, & hys herte did melte vpon them, & he healed of theim those that were sicke. 15 When euen was come, hys disciples came to hym saying: Thys is a desert place, and the daye is spent: let the people departe, that thei may go in to the townes & bye them vitayles. 16 But Iesus sayde vnto them. They haue no nead to go away, Geue ye them to eate. 17 Then sayde they vnto hym: we haue here but .v. loues & .ij. fishes. 18 And he sayed brig them hither to me. 19 And he commaunded the people to sit doune on the grasse: and toke the .v. loues and the .ij. fishes, and loked vp to heauen, and blessed, and brake and gaue the loues to his disciples, & the disciples gaue them to the people. 20 And they did all eate, & were suffised. And they gathered vp the gobbets that remayned .xij. basketsful. 21 And they that eate, were in numbre about .v.M. men beside women and chyldren. 22 And strayght way Iesus made hys disciples into a ship, & to go ouer before him while he sent the people away. 23 And assone as he had sent the people away, he went vp into a mountayn alone to pray, & when night was come, he was there him self alone. 24 And the ship was now in the middest of the sea, & was toste wt waues, for it was a contrary wynde. 25 In the .iiij. watch of the night. Iesus came vnto them walking on the sea. 26 And when his disciples sawe him walkinge on the sea, they were troubled, saying: it is some spirite, & cried out for feare. 27 And straight way Iesus spake vnto them saing be of good cheare, it is I, be not afrayed. 28 Peter aunswered him & saied: master: if thou be he, bid me come vnto the on the water. 29 And he saide come. And when Peter was come doun out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Iesus. 30 But when he saw a mighty wynd, he was afrayed. And as he began to synke, he cried saying: master, saue me. 31 And immediatly Iesus stretched forth his hande & caught him, & sayed to him. O thou litle fayth wherfore diddest thou doubt? 32 And assone as they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. 33 Then they that were in the ship came & worshipped him sayng: of a truth thou art the sonne of God. 34 And when thei were come ouer, they went into the land of Genesareth. 35 And when the men of the place had knowlege of him, they sent out into all the country rounde about, & brought vnto him al that were sicke, 36 & besoughte him, that thei migh touche the hemme of his vesture only, & as many as touched it were made safe. 15 1 Then came to Iesus Scribes and Phariseis from Hierusalem, sayinge: 2 why do thy disciples transgresse the tradicions of the elders? for thei washe not their handes when they eate bread. 3 He aunswered sayd vnto them: why do ye also transgresse the commaundement of God thorow your tradicions? 4 For God commaunded saying: honoure thy father and mother, and he that curseth father or mother shall suffre death. 5 But ye saye, euery man shal say to hys father or mother: that which thou desirest of me to helpe the with: is geuen to God, 6 and so shall he not honour hys father or mother. And thus haue ye made, that the commaundement of God is without effecte, thorow your tradicions. 7 Hypocrites, well prophecied of you Esaias sayinge: 8 Thys people draweth nye vnto me with their mouthes, & honoureth me with their lippes, howe be it their hertes are farre from me: 9 but in vayne they worshippe me teaching doctrines, which are nothyng but mens preceptes. 10 And he called the people vnto hym, & sayd to them, heare and vnderstande. 11 That whych goeth into the mouth, defileth not the man: but that whych commeth out of the mouthe, defileth the man. 12 Then came hys disciples, and sayde vnto hym: Perceyuest thou not, how that the Phariseis are offended in hearing thys saying? 13 He aunswered and sayd: al plantes whiche my heauenly father hath not planted, shalbe plucked vp by the rootes. 14 Let them alone, thei be the blynde leaders of the blynd. If the blynd leede the blynde, both shall fall into the dytche. 15 Then aunswered Peter and sayd to hym: declare vnto vs thys parable. 16 Then sayde Iesus are ye yet without vnderstandyng? 17 Perceyue ye not that whatsoeuer goeth in at the mouth, descendeth doune into the bealy, and is cast out into the draught? 18 But those thynges, whiche procede out of the mouthe, come from the hert and they defyle the man. 19 For out of the hert come euil thoughtes, murther, breakyng of wedlocke, whoredom, thefte, false, witnes bearing, blasphemye. 20 These are the thynges which defyle a man. But to eate wt vnwashen handes, defileth not a man. 21 And Iesus went thence, and departed into the costes of Tyre and Sidon 22 And beholde a woman whych was a Cananite came out of the same costes, and cryed vnto hym sayinge: haue mercy on me Lord the sonne of Dauid, my doughter is piteously vexed with a deuel. 23 And he gaue her neuer a woorde to aunswer. Then came to hym hys disciples, & besoughte hym saying: sende her away, for she foloweth vs criyng. 24 He aunswered, and saide: I am not sent, but vnto the lost shepe of the house of Israel. 25 Then she came and worshipped him saiyng master helpe me. 26 He aunswered & sayde: It is not good, to take thy chyldrens bread, & to cast it to dogges. 27 She aunswered & said: truth Lord, neuerthelesse the whelpes eate of the crommes, whiche fall from their masters table. 28 Then Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto her: O woman, great is thy fayth, be it to the euen as thou desirest. And her doughter was made whole, euen at that same houre. 29 Then Iesus went awaye from thence, and came vnto the sea of Galile, and went vp into a mountaine, and sate doune there. 30 And much people came vnto him, hauynge with them, halt, blynd, domme, maymed, and other many: and cast them doune at Iesus fete. And he healed them, 31 in so muche that the people wondred to se the domme speake, the maymed whole, the halt to go, and the blynde to se, And they glorified the God of Israel. 32 Then Iesus called hys disciples to hym & sayd I haue compassion on the people, because they haue continued with me now .iij. dayes & haue nought to eate, and I wil not let them departe fasting, lest they perish in the waie. 33 And his disciples sayd vnto hym, whence shoulde we get so muche breadde in the wildernes, as should suffice so great a multitude? 34 And Iesus sayde vnto them: How many loues haue ye? And they sayde: seuen, and a fewe litle fishes. 35 And he commaunded the people to sit doune on the grounde: 36 and toke the seuen loues and the fishes, and gaue thankes, and brake them and gaue to hys disciples, & the disciples gaue them to the people. 37 And they dyd all eate and were suffised. And they toke vp of the broken meate that was lefte .vij. baskettes full. 38 And yet thei that eate were .iiij.M. men, beside women and chyldren. 39 And he sent away the people & toke ship & came into the parties of Magdala. 16 1 Then came the Phariseis and Saduceis, and dyd tempte hym, desiring hym to shew them some signe from heauen. 2 He aunswered and saide vnto them. At euen ye saye, we shall haue fayre wedder, and that because the skye is reed: 3 and in the mornynge ye saye: to daye shalbe foule wedder, & that because the skie is cloudy and redde. O ye hypocrites ye can discerne the fashion of the skie and can ye not discerne the signes of the times 4 The froward nacion and aduouterous seketh a signe: and there shal no nother signe be geuen vnto them, but the signe of the prophet Ionas So lefte he them, and departed. 5 And when his disciples were come to the otherside of the water, they had forgotten too take bread with them. 6 Then Iesus sayd vnto them: Take hede and beware of the leuen of the Phariseis and of the Saduces. 7 And thei thoughte in theim selues sayinge: because we haue brought no breade wyth vs. 8 When Iesus vnderstode that, he sayd vnto them? O ye of litle fayth, why are your myndes cumbred because ye haue brought no bread? 9 Do ye not yet perceyue, neither remember those fyue loues when there were .v.M. men, & how many baskettes toke ye vp: 10 Neyther the seuen loues when there were .iiij. thousand, and how many baskettes toke ye vp? 11 Why perceyue ye not then, that I spake not vnto you of bread, when I sayde: beware of the leuen of the Pharises and of the Saduces. 12 Then vnderstode they, howe that he had not them beware of the leuen of breade: but of the doctrine of the Phariseis and of the Saduces. 13 When Iesus came into the costes of the citie whych is called Cesarea Philippi, he axed his disciples sayinge: whome do men saye that I the sonne of man am? 14 They sayde: some saye that thou arte Ihon Baptist, some Helyas, som Ieremias, or one of the Prophetes. 15 He sayde vnto them: but whome saye ye that I am? 16 Simon Peter aunswered and sayde: Thou arte Christ the sonne of the liuynge God. 17 And Iesus aunswered and sayde to hym: happy arte thou Symon the sonne of Ionas, for fleshe & bloude hath not opened vnto the that, but my father which is in heauen. 18 And I saye also vnto the that thou arte Peeter: and vpon thys rocke I wil buylde my congregacion. And the gates of hell shall not preuayle against it. 19 And I wil geue vnto the, the keyes of the kyngdome of heauen, and whatsoeuer thou bindest vpon earth shalbe bounde in heauen, and whatsoeuer thon lowsest on earth shalbe lowsed in heauen. 20 Then he charged hys disciples, that they should tell no man, that he was Iesus Christ. 21 From that time forth Iesus beganne to shew vnto hys disciples, how that he must go vnto Ierusalem, and suffer many thinges of the elders, and of the hygh priestes, and of the scribes, and must be kylled: and ryse agayne the thyrde daye. 22 But Peter toke hym asyde, and beganne to rebuke hym saying: master fauer thy selfe: thys shall not come vnto the. 23 Then tourned he about and sayd vnto Peeter: come after me Sathan, thou offendest me, because thou sauorest not godly thynges, but worldly thynges. 24 Iesus then sayde to hys disciples. If anye man will folow me, let hym forsake hym selfe, and take vp hys crosse and folowe me. 25 For whosoeuer will saue hys lyfe, shall loose it. And whosoeuer shall loose hys lyfe for my sake shall finde it. 26 What shall it proffet a man though he shoulde wynne al the whole world if he loose hys awne soule? Or els what shall a man geue to redeme his soule agayne withall? 27 For the sonne of man shall come in the glorye of hys father, wyth hys aungels: & then shall he rewarde euery man accordyng to his dedes. 28 Verely I saye vnto you, some there be among them that here stande, whiche shall not taste of death, till they shall haue sene the sonne of man come in hys kyngdom. 17 1 And after .vi. dayes Iesus toke Peter and Iames and Ihon his brother, and broughte them vp into an hygh mountayne oute of the waye, 2 and was transfigured before them, and his face did shyne as the sunne and hys clothes were as whyte as the light: 3 & behold there appeared vnto theim Moyses & Helyas, talkyng with hym. 4 Then aunswered Peter and sayd to Iesus: master here is good beyng for vs. If thou wilt, let vs make here thre tabernacles, one for the, & one for Moses, and one for Helyas. 5 Whyle he yet speake, beholde a bryght cloude shadowed theim. And beholde there came a voyce out of the cloude, sayinge: this is my deare sonne, in whome I delite heare hym. 6 And when the disciples hearde that, they fell on theyr faces and were soore afrayed. 7 And Iesus came and touched them, and saide: arise and be not afrayed. 8 And when they loked vp, they sawe no man saue Iesus onely. 9 And as they came doune from the mountayne, Iesus charged them sayinge: se that ye shewe the vision to noman, vntyll the sonne of man be rysen agayne from death. 10 And hys disciples axed of hym saying: Why then say the Scribes, that Helyas must first come? 11 Iesus aunswered and sayde vnto them Helias shall first come and restore all thynges. 12 And I say vnto you that Helyas is come already, and they knewe hym not: but haue done vnto hym whatsoeuer they lusted. In lykewise shal also the sonne of man suffer of them. 13 Then the disciples perceiued that he spake vnto them of Ihon Baptist. 14 And when they were come to the people, there came to hym a certayne man, and kneled doune to hym, and sayde: 15 Master haue mercy on my sonne for he is francticke, and is sore vexed. For ofte tymes he falleth into the fire: and ofte into the water. 16 And I broughte hym to thy disciples, and thei could not heale him. 17 Iesus aunswered and sayde: O generation faythles and croked: howe longe shall I be wt you? how longe shal I suffre you? bryng him hydder to me. 18 And Iesus rebuked the deuel, & he came out of hym. And the chylde was healed euen that same houre. 19 Then came the disciples to Iesus secretly and sayd: Why coulde not we cast hym out? 20 Iesus sayd vnto them: Because of your vnbelefe. For I saye verely vnto you: if ye hadde faith as a grayn of a mustard seede, ye should say vnto thys mountayne, remoue hence too yonder place, and it shoulde remoue, neyther shoulde any thyng be impossible for you too do. 21 Howe be it this kynde goeth not out, but by prayer and fastynge. 22 As they passed the tyme in Galile, Iesus sayde vnto them: the sonne of man shalbe betrayed into the handes of men, 23 and they shall kyll hym, and the thyrde daye he shall ryse agayne. And they sorowed greatly. 24 And when they were come to Capernaum they that were wont to gadre poll money, came to Peter and sayde: Doeth your master paye tribute? 25 He sayd: yea. And when he was come into the house. Iesus spake fyrst to him, sayinge: What thinkest thou Simon? of whom do the kynges of the earth take tribute or pol money? of their chyldren, or of straungers? 26 Peter sayde vnto hym: of straungers. Then sayde Iesus vnto hym agayne: Then are the chyldren fre. 27 Neuerthelesse, lest we should offende them: go to the sea and caste in thyne angel, and take the fish that first cometh vp: & when thou hast opened hys mouth, thou shalt fynde a pece of twenty pence: that take and paye for me and the. 18 1 The same tyme the disciples came vnto Iesus sayinge: who is the greatest in the kyngdom of heauen 2 Iesus called a chylde vnto hym, and set hym in the middes of them: 3 and sayde. Verely I saye vnto you: excepte ye tourne, and become as chyldren, ye cannot enter into the kyngedome of heauen. 4 Who soeuer therfore humble hym selfe as thys chylde, the same is the greatest in the kyngedom of heauen. 5 And whosoeuer receyueth suche a chylde in my name, receyueth me. 6 But whosoeuer offende one of these litelone, whych beleue in me: it were better for hym, that a milstone were hanged about his necke, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 Wo be vnto the worlde because of offences. Howe be it, it cannot be auoyded but that offences shall be geuen. Neuerthelesse woo be to the man, by whome the offence cometh. 8 Wherfore if thy hande or thy fote offende the, cut hym of and cast hym from the. It is better for the to enter into lyfe halte or maymed, rather then thou shouldest hauinge two handes or two fete, be cast into euerlastynge fyre. 9 And if also thyne eye offende the, plucke hym out and cast hym from the. It is better for the to entre into lyfe with one eye, then hauyng two eyes to be cast into hell fyre. 10 Se that ye not dispise not one of these litelones. For I saye vnto you, that in heauen their aungels alwaies behold the face of my father which is in heauen. 11 Yea, and the sonne of man is come to saue that whych is lost. 12 Howe thynke ye? If a man haue an hundred shepe, & one of them be gone astray, doth he not leaue nynty and nyne in the mountaynes, and go & seke that one whych is gone astraye. 13 If it happen that he fynde him, verely I say vnto you: he reioyseth more of that shepe, then of the nyntye and nyne, which went not astray. 14 Euen so it is not the wil of your father in heauen, that one of these litelons shoulde perish. 15 Moreouer, if thy brother trespase agaynst the, Go and tell hym hys fault betwene hym and the alone. If he heare the, thou hast wonne thy brother. 16 But if he heare the not, then take yet with the one or two, that in the mouthe of two or thre witnesses, all thynges may be stablished. 17 If he heare not them, tell it vnto the congregacion. If he heare not the congregacion, take hym as a Heathen man, & as a publican. 18 Verely I saye vnto you, whatsoeuer ye bynde on earth, shalbe bounde in heauen. And whatsoeuer ye lowse on erth, shalbe lowsed in heauen. 19 Agayne I say vnto you, that if two of you shall agre in earth vpon any maner thyng whatsoeuer they shall desire: it shalbe geuen them of my father whyche is in heauen. 20 For where two or thre are gathered together in my name, there am I in the middes of them. 21 Then came Peter to hym, & sayde: master howe ofte shall I forgeue my brother, if he synne agaynst me, seuen tymes? 22 Iesus sayde vnto hym: I say not vnto the seuen times: but seuenty times seuen tymes. 23 Therefore is the kyngedom of heauen lykened vnto a certayne kyng, whithe woulde take a countes of hys seruauntes. 24 And when he had begon to recken: one was broughte vnto hym: which ought hym ten thousand talentes, 25 whome because he had noughte to paye, hys master commaunded him to be solde, and his wyfe, and hys chyldren, and all that he had, & payment to be made. 26 The seruaunt fel doune and besought hym sayinge: Syr geue me respyte, and I will paye it euery whyt. 27 Then had the Lord pitye on that seruaunt, & lowsed him and forgaue hym the dette. 28 And the sayd seruaunt went out & found one of hys felowes, which ought him an hundred pence, & layed handes on him, & toke hym by the throote sayinge: paye me that thou owest. 29 And hys felowe fell doune & besoughte hym, saying: haue pacience with me, and I wil pay the all. 30 But he woulde not, but wente and cast hym into pryson till he shoulde pay the det. 31 When hys other felowes sawe what was done, they were very sory, and came and told vnto theyr Lord all that had happened. 32 Then his Lorde called hym, and sayde vnto hym. O euill seruaunt I forgaue the al that det, because thou praiest me: 33 was it not mete also that thou shouldest haue had compassion on thy felow, euen as I had pitie on the? 34 And his lord was wroth and deliuered him to the iaylers, til he should paye all that was due to hym. 35 So likewyse shal my heauenly father do vnto you except ye forgeue with your hertes, eache one to hys brother theyr trespasses. 19 1 And it came to passe when Iesus had finished those sayinges, he gat him from Galile, and came into the coostes of Iury beyonde Iordan, 2 and much people folowed hym, and he healed them there.