Matthew 21:34-40

Matthew(i) 34 And when the tyme of the frute drewe neare, he sente hys seruauntes to the husbandmen to receyue the fruytes of it. 35 And the husbandmen caughte hys seruauntes and bet one, kylled another, and stoned another. 36 Agayne he sent other seruauntes, mo then the fyrste, and they serued them lykewyse. 37 But last of all, he sent vnto them hys owne sonne, sayinge: they wyll feare my sonne. 38 But when the husbandmen sawe the sonne, they sayde amonge them selues. Thys is the heyre: come let vs kyll hym, and let vs take hys enheritaunce to oure selues. 39 And they caughte hym and thruste him out of the vyneyard, and slewe hym. 40 When the Lorde of the vyneyard cometh, what wyll he do with those husbandmen?