Malachi 3:2-5

Matthew(i) 2 But who may abyde the day of hys commyng? Who shalbe able to endure, when he appeareth? For he is lyke a goldsmythes fire and lyke a wasshers sope. 3 He shall syt hym doune to trye and to clense the syluer, he shall pourge the children of Leui, & puryfye them lyke as golde and syluer: that they may bring meatofferinges vnto the Lorde in righteousnes. 4 Then shal the offering of Iuda & Ierusalem be acceptable vnto the Lord, lyke as from the beginninge, and in the yeares, afore tyme. 5 I wil come and punish you, and I my selfe will be a swyf wytnes against the witches, agaynst the aduouterers, agaynste false swearers: yea, and agaynst those, that wrongeouslye kepe backe the hyrelinges dewtye: which vexe the widdowes and the fatherlesse and oppresse the straunger, and feare not me, sayeth the Lord of Hostes.