11 The symylytude is this. The sede is the worde of God.
12 Those that are besyde the waye, are they that heare, and afterwarde commeth the deuyll and taketh awaye the worde out of their hertes leste they should beleue & be saued.
13 Thei on the stones, are thei which when they heare, receiue the worde with ioye. But these haue no rotes, whiche for a whyle beleue, & in tyme of temptacion go awaye.
14 And that whiche fell amonge thornes, are thei which heare, and go forth, and are choked with cares and with ryches, and voluptuouse liuinge, and bringe forth no fruite.
15 That in the good grounde, are they whyche with a good and pure herte, heare the worde and kepe it, and brynge forth fruyte wyth pacience.
16 No man lighteth a candell, and couereth it vnder a vessell, neither putteth it vnder a table, but setteth it on a candelstike, that thei that enter in, maye se the lyghte.