1 It came to passe as the people preased vpon him to heare the worde of God, that he stode by the lake of Genezareth:
2 and sawe two shyppes stande by the lake syde, but the fisher men were gone out of them, and were washynge their nettes.
3 And he entred into one of the shyppes, which pertayned to Symon, and prayed him, that he woulde thruste out a lytle from the lande. And he sat doune and taught the people out of the shyppe.
4 When he had left speakynge, he sayed vnto Simon: launce out into the depe, and let slip your nettes to make a draught.
5 And Simon aunswered and sayed vnto hym: Mayster, we haue laboured all nyght, and haue taken nothynge. Neuerthelater at thy worde I wyll lose forth the net.
6 And when they had so done, they enclosed a greate multytude of fyshes. And their net brake:
7 but they made sygnes to their fellowes which were in the other shyp that they shoulde come and helpe them. And they came and fylled both the shyppes that they sonke againe.
8 When Simon Peter sawe that, he fell doune at Iesus knees saiynge: Lorde go
9 from me for I am a synfull man. For he was vtterlye astonyed and all that were with hym at the draughte of fyshe, which they toke:
10 and so was Iames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede, which were parteners with Symon. And Iesus sayed vnto Simon: feare not, from hence forth thou shalt catche men.
11 And they brought the shyppes to lande, and forsoke all and folowed hym.