Leviticus 25:50-54

Matthew(i) 50 And he shall reken with hym that bought hym, from the yere that he was solde in vnto the yere of iubelye, and the pryce of hys bying shall be accordyng to the numbre of yeres, & he shalbe wyth hym as an hyred seruaunt. 51 If there be yet many yeres behynde, accordyng vnto them he shall gyue agayne for hys deliueraunce of the money that he was solde for. 52 If ther remayne but few yeres vnto the yere of Iubely, he shal so counte with him & accordyng vnto his yeres giue him again for his redemption, 53 & shalbe with him yere by yere as an hyred seruaunte & the other shall not raygne cruellye ouer hym in thy syghte. 54 If he be not boughte fre in the meane tyme, then he shal go out in the yere of iubely and his chyldren with him: