10 speake vnto the chyldren of Israell and saye vnto them: when ye be come into the lande whych I geue vnto you & repe doune youre haruest ye shall brynge a shefe of the fyrst frutes of your haruest vnto the preast,
11 and he shal waue the shefe before the Lord to be accepted for you: and euen the morow after the Sabboth the preast shall waue it.
12 And ye shal offer that day when he waueth the shefe, a lambe without blemysh of a yere old for a burntoffrynge vnto the Lorde:
13 and the meatofferyng therof, two tenth deales of fyne flour mengled with oyle to be a sacrifice vnto the Lord of a swete sauour: & the drynkoffryng therto, the fourth deale of an hyn of wine.
14 And ye shal eate nether bread, nor parched corne, nor furmentye of new corne: vntyl the self same day that ye haue brought an offeryng vnto your God. And thys shalbe a lawe for euer vnto your chyldren after you, whersoeuer ye dwell.
15 And ye shal count from the morow after the Sabboth: euen from the daye that ye brought the shefe of the waueoffrynge seuen wekes complete:
16 euen vnto the morow after the .vij. weke ye shall nombre .l. dayes. And then ye shal brynge a newe meatoffryng vnto the Lord.