19 When a womans naturall course of bloud runneth, she shalbe put aparte .vij. dayes: & whosoeuer toucheth her shalbe vncleane vnto the euen.
20 And all that she lyeth or sytteth vpon as longe as she is put a parte shalbe vncleane.
21 And whosoeuer toucheth her couche shall wash hys clothes and bath him selfe wyth water and be vncleane vnto the euen.
22 And whosoeuer toucheth any thyng that she sat vpon, shal wash his clothes & washe hym selfe also in water, and be vncleane vnto the euen:
23 so that whether he touche her couche or any thynge whereon she hath sytten, he shalbe vncleane vnto the euen,
24 and yf a man lye wyth her in the meane tyme, he shalbe putte apart as wel as she and shalbe vncleane .vij. daies, & al his couch wherin he slepeth shalbe vncleane.
25 When a womans bloud runneth long tyme: out of the tyme of her naturall course: as long as her vnclennesse runneth, she shal be vncleane after the maner as when she is put a parte.
26 Al her couches wheron she lyeth (as long as her yssue lasteth) shalbe vnto her as her couche when she is put a parte. And whatsoeuer she sitteth vpon, shalbe vncleane as is her vnclennesse when she is put a parte.
27 And whosoeuer toucheth them, shalbe vncleane, and shal wash hys clothes and bath him selfe in water & be vncleane vnto euen.
28 But yf she be cleane of her yssue, let her count her seuen dayes, after that she is cleane.
29 And the .viij. daye let her take two turtils or two young pygeons & bryng them vnto the preast vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse.
30 And the preast shall offer the one for a synneoffryng, and the other for a burntofferyng: and so make an attonement for her before the Lorde, as concernyng her vncleane yssue.