10 And when the .viij. day is come, let him take .ij. lambes without blemyshe & a yewe lambe of a yere olde without blemysh, and .iij. tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatoffring myngled wyth oyle, and logge of oyle.
11 Than let the Preast that maketh him cleane, bring the man that is made cleane wyth those thinges before the Lorde vnto the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse.
12 And let the Preast take one of the lambes & offer hym for a trespace offryng, and the logge of oyle: and waue them before the Lorde.
13 And then let hym slee the lambe in the place where the synneoffrynge and the burntoffryng are slayne: euen in the holy place. For as the synneoffring is, euen so is the trespace offryng the Preastes: for it is moost holy.