15 & sayde vnto hym: thus sayth Iephthah. Israel toke not awaye the lande of Moab, nor the land of the chyldren of Ammon.
16 But when Israel came out of Egypt, they walked thorow the wyldernesse, euen vnto the red sea & came to Cades,
17 & sente messengers vnto the kynge of Edom sayinge: let vs we praye the go thorow thy lande. But the kynge of Edom wolde not agre therto. And in lyke maner they sente vnto the Kynge of Moab, but he wolde not consent. And so Israel abode styll in Cades.
18 And then they wente a longe thorowe the wildernesse, and compased the lande of Edom, & the lande of Moab, and came a longe by the eastsyde of the land of Moab, and pitched on the other syde the riuer of Arnon, and came not wythin the coastes of the Moabites: for Arnon was their vtmost border.