9 And Moses sware the same ceason saying the lande wheron thy fete haue trooden, shalbe thyne enheritaunce, & thy children for euer because thou hast folowed the Lord my God continuallye.
10 And now behold, the Lord hath kepte me lusty (as he sayd) this fourtye and fyue yeares, euen sence the Lorde spake vnto vnto Moses, whyle the chyldren of Israell wanderyd in the wyldernesse. And now se I am thys daye foure skore and fyue yeres,
11 and yet am as stronge at thys tyme, as I was when Moses sent me: loke how strong I was then, so strong I am now, to warre and to do al maner of thynges.
12 Now therfore geue me thys mountayne, whyche the Lorde at that tyme promysed, for thou herdest at that tyme, how the Enakims were there, and how the cytyes were greate & walled. I trust the Lord wylbe wyth me, and I shal dryue them out as the Lorde sayd.
13 And Iosua blessed Caleb the sonne of Iephune & gaue him Hebron to enherete.
14 And Hebron became the enheritaunce of Caleb the sonne of Iephune the kenesite, vnto this daye: because he folowed the Lorde God of Israell perpetually.