1 Then came the worde of the Lorde vnto Ionas agayne, sayenge:
2 vp, and get the to Niniue that great cytye, & preache vnto them the preachinge whyche I bade the.
3 So Ionas arose, and wente to Niniue at the Lordes commaundement. Niniue was a greate cyte vnto God, namely, of thre dayes iourney.
4 And Ionas wente to, and entred in to the cytie: euen a dayes iourney, & cryed, sayenge: There are yet .xl. dayes and then shall Niniue be ouerthrowen.
5 And the people of Niniue beleued God, and proclamed fastynge, and arayed them selues in sack cloth, as wel the greate as the small of them.
6 And the tydinges came vnto the kynge of Niniue, whyche arose out of hys seate, and dyd hys apparell of, and put on sack cloth, & sate hym downe in asshes.
7 And it was cryed and commaunded in Niniue, by the auctorite of the king and hys lordes, sayenge: se that nether man or beast, oxe or shepe taste ought at all: and that they nether fede ner drinke water:
8 but put on sack cloth both man and beast, and crye myghtely vnto God: yee se that euery man turne from hys euell waye, and from the wyckednesse, that he hath in hande.
9 Who can tell? God maye turne, & repente & cease from his fearce wrath, that we perish not.
10 And when God sawe their workes, how they turned from their wicked wayes, he repented on the euell, whych he sayde he wolde do vnto them, and dyd it not.