31 If I beare witnes of my selfe, my witnes is not true.
32 Ther is another that beareth witnes of me, and I am sure that the wytnes which he beareth of me, is true.
33 Ye sent vnto Iohn, and he bare witnes vnto the truth.
34 But I receiue not the recorde of man Neuerthelesse, these thinges I say that ye might be safe.
35 He was a burninge and a shyninge lyght and ye woulde for a season haue reioysed in his lyght:
36 But I haue greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn. For the workes which the father hath geuen me to fynyshe the same workes which I do, beare witnes of me that the father sent me.
37 And the father himselfe which hath sent me, beareth witnes of me. Ye haue not hearde his voice at anye tyme nor ye haue sene his shape: