14 He that is in trybulacyon oughte to be comforted of hys neyghbour: but the feare of the Lord is cleane awaye:
15 Myne owne brethren passeouer by me as the water broke, that hastelye runneth thorow the valleyes.
16 But they that feare the hore frost, the snowe shall fall vpon them.
17 When theyr time commeth, they shalbe destroyed and perishe: and when they be set on fyre, they shalbe remoued oute of theyr place,
18 for the pathes that they go in, are croked: they haste after vayne thinges, and shal perysh.
19 Consydre the pathes of Theman, & the wayes of Saba, wherin they haue put their trust.
20 Confounded are they, that put eny confydence in them: For when they came to opteyne the thinges that they loked for, they were brought to confusion.