James 3:1-6

Matthew(i) 1 My brethren be not euery man a mayster, remembrynge howe that we shal receyue the more damnacyon: 2 for in many thinges we synne all. Yf a man synne not in worde, the same is a perfect man and able to tame al the bodye. 3 Beholde we put bittes into the horsses mouthes that they shoulde obeye vs, and we turne aboute all the body. 4 Behold also the shyppes, which though they be so greate and are dryuen of fyers wyndes, yet are they turned aboute wyth a verye smale helme, whether soeuer the vyolence of the gouerner wyll 5 euen so the tonge is a lyttell member, and boasteth greate thinges. Beholde howe greate a thynge a lyttell fyre kyndleth, 6 and the tonge is fyre, and a worlde of wickednes. So is the tong set among our members, that it defyleth the whole body and setteth a fyre all that we haue of nature, & is it selfe set a fyre euen of hell.