Genesis 28:10-17

Matthew(i) 10 Iacob departed from Berseba, and wente towarde Haran, 11 and came vnto a place, and taried there al nyght, bycause the sunne was downe. And toke a stone of the place, & put it vnder hys head, and layed hym downe in the same place to slepe. 12 And he dreamed: and behold there stode a ladder vpon the earth, & the toppe reached vp to heauen. And see, the angels of God went vp and downe vpon it, 13 yea, & the Lord stod vpon it, and sayed. I am the Lorde God of Abraham thy father, & the God of Isaac. The land whiche thou sleapest vpon wyl I gyue the & thy sede. 14 And thy sede shal be as the dust of the earth: and thou shalt spreade abrode: weste, easte, north, and south. And thorowe the and thy sede shal al the kynreds of the earth be blessed. 15 And se I am wyth the, and wyll be thy keper in all places whyther thou goest, and wyll brynge the agayne into thys land: neither wyll I leaue the vntyll I haue made good all that I haue promised the. 16 When Iacob was awaked out of his slepe he sayd: surely the Lord is in this place, & I was not aware. 17 And he was afrayed & said: howe fearfull is this place? it is none other: but euen the house of god, & the gate of heauen.