Ezra 7:13-28

Matthew(i) 13 I haue commaunded, that all they of the people of Israel, and of the priestes and Leuites in my reaulme, whyche are mynded of their owne good wil to go vp to Ierusalem, that they go wyth the, 14 beynge sent of the kynge and of the seuen Lordes of the counsel, to vyset Iuda & Ierusalem, accordynge to the lawe of God, whiche is in thy hand. 15 And that thou shouldest take with the, syluer and goulde, whiche the king & the Lordes of hys counsel geue of their owne good will vnto the God of Israel (whose habytacyon is at Ierusalem) 16 and all the syluer and goulde that thou canst fynd in al the countre of Babilon, with it that the people and pryestes geue of their owne good wil vnto the house of God at Ierusalem. 17 Take thou the same, and bye dylygently wyth the same moneye, calues, lambes, goates, & meateofferynges & drinckeofferynges, to be offered vpon the aulter of the house of youre God at Ierusalem. 18 And loke what it liketh the and thy brethren to do with the remnaunt of the money, that do after the wyl of your God. 19 And the vessels that are geuen the for the mynystracion in the house of thy God, those delyuer thou before God at Ierusalem. 20 And whatsoeuer thynge more shalbe nedeful for thy house of thy God, whych is necessary for the to spende, let the same be geuen out of the kynges chamber. 21 I kynge Arthaxerses haue commaunded al the treasures beyond the water, that loke whatsoeuer Esdras the pryeste and scrybe in the lawe of the God of heauen requyreth of you, that ye fulfyll the same dylygently, 22 vntyll an hundred talentes of syluer, vntil an hundred quarters of wheat and tyll an hundred Batthes of wyne, and tyll an hundred Batthes of oyle, and salt wythoute measure. 23 Whatsoeuer belongeth to the law of the God of heauen, let the same be done wyth dylygence for the house of the God of heauen, that there come no wrathe vpon the kynges reaulme and his children. 24 And knowen be it vnto you, that ye shal haue no auctorite to requyre taxynge and custome, & yearly rentes vpon any of the pryestes Leuites, singers, porters, Nethinims & mynysters in the house of thys good. 25 But thou Esdras (after the wysedome of the God that is in thy hand) set thou iudgers and arbiters to iudge all the people that is beyonde Iordan, euen all suche as knowe the law of thy God: and them that knowe it not, those se, that ye teache: 26 & whosoeuer wyll not dylygently fulfyll the law of thy God, and the kynges law, shal haue his iudgement for the dead whether it be vnto death or to be banished or to be condemned in goodes, or to be put in preson. 27 Praysed be the Lord God of our fathers which so had inspired the kinges hert to garnysh the house of God at Ierusalem: 28 & hath inclined his mercy vnto me in the presence of the king, & his councelers, & before al the kinges hys estates. And I was conforted (according to the hande of the Lorde my God ouer me) & so gathered I the heades of Israel together, that they might go vp with me.