Ezekiel 8:3-5

Matthew(i) 3 This similytude stretched oute an hande, and toke me by the hearry lockes of my head, and the spryte lyfte me vp betwyxte heauen & earthe: and God brought me in a vision to Ierusalem, into the entrye of the inner porte that lyeth towarde the Northe: there stode an ymage, with whome he that hath all thynges in hys power, was very wroth. 4 And beholde, the glorye of the God of Israel was in the same place: euen as I had sene it afore in the felde. 5 And he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, O lyfte vp thyne eyes, and loke towarde the northe. Then lyfte I vp myne eyes towarde the northe, and beholde: besyde the porte Northwarde, there was an aulter made vnto the ymage of prouocacyon in the verye entrynge in.