11 The Lorde sayde moreouer vnto me: Smyte thyne handes together, and stampe wyth thay fete, & saye: Wo worth all the abhominacions and wickednesses of the house of Israel, for because of them, they shall perishe wyth the swearde, with honger & wyth pestilence.
12 Who so is farre of, shall dye of the pestilence: he that is nye at hande, shall perish with the swearde: and the other that are beseged, shall dye of honger. Thus wyll I satisfye my wrothfull displeasure vpon them.
13 And so shall ye learne to knowe, that I am the Lorde, when youre slayne men lye amonge youre goddes, and aboute youre aulters: vpon all hye hylles & toppes of mountaynes, amonge all grene trees, amonge all thycke okes: euen in the places, where they dyd sacrifyce to all their Idols.
14 I wyll stretch myne hande oute vpon them, and wyll make the lande waste: So that it shall lye desolate and voyde, from the wyldernesse of Deblathah forth, thorow all their habitacyons: to learne them for to knowe, that I am the Lorde