10 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde God: At the same tyme shall manye thynges come in to thy mynde, so that thou shalt ymagyn myschefe,
11 & saye: I will vp to yonder playne lande, seing they syt at ease, and dwell so safely (for they dwell all wythout any walles, they haue nether barres nor dores)
12 to spoyle them, to robbe them, to laye hande vpon their so well inhabyted wyldernesses: agaynst that people, that is gathered together from amonge the Heathen, whyche haue gotten catell and good, and dwell in the myddest of the lande.
13 Then shall Saba, and Dedan, and the marchauntes of Tharsis wyth all their worthies, saye vnto the: Art thou come to robbe? Hast thou gathered thy people together, because thou wylt spoyle? to take syluer and golde: to carye awaye catell and good: and to haue a greate praye?
14 Therfore, O thou sonne of man, thou shalt prophecye, and saye vnto Gog: Thus sayeth the Lord God: In that daye thou shalt knowe, that my people of Israell dwelleth safe:
15 & shalth come from thy place out of the north partes: thou & moch people with the, whych ryde vpon horses, wherof there is a greate multytude & an innumerable sorte.
16 Yee thou shalt come vpon my people of Israell, as a cloude to couer the lande. This shall come to passe in the latter dayes: I will bringe the vp into my lande, that the Heathen maye knowe me, when I get me honoure vpon the. O Gog before their eyes.
17 Thus sayeth the Lord God: Thou art he, of whom I haue spoken afore tyme, by my seruauntes the prophetes of Israell, whyche prophecyed in those dayes and yeares, that I shulde brynge the vpon them.