Ezekiel 36:25-38

Matthew(i) 25 Then wyll I poure cleare water vpon you, & ye shalbe clene: yee from all your vnclennesse and from all your Idols shal I clense you. 26 A new herte also will I geue you, and a new sprete wyll I put into you: As for that stony herte, I wyll take it out of youre body, & geue you a fleshly herte. 27 I will geue my sprete amonge you, and cause you to walcke in my commaundementes, to kepe my lawes, and to fulfyll them. 28 And so ye shall dwell in the lande, that I gaue to youre forefathers, and ye shalbe my people, & I wilbe youre God. 29 I wyll helpe you out of all youre vnclennesse. I wyll call for the corne, & will increase it, & wyll let you haue no honger. 30 I wyll multiplye the fruites of the trees & the increase of the felde for you, so that ye shall beare no more reprofe of honger amonge the Heathen. 31 Then shall ye remembre your, owne wicked wayes, & youre ymagynacyons, whiche were not good: so that ye shall take displeasure at youre owne selues, by reason of youre synnes & abhominacyons. 32 But I wyll not do this for youre sakes (sayeth the Lorde God) be ye sure of it. Therfore, O ye house of Israell, be ashamed of your synnes. 33 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lord God: what tyme as I shall clense you from all youre offences, then wyll I make the cytyes to be occupyed agayne, and wyll repayre the places that be decayed. 34 The desolate lande shall be buylded agayne, whiche afore tyme laye waste in the sight of all them that wente by. 35 Then shall it be sayde: this waste lande is become lyke a garden of pleasure, & the voyde, desolate and broken downe cytyes, are now strong, and fensed agayne. 36 Then the resydue of the Heathen that lye rounde aboute you, shall knowe that I am the Lorde, whyche repayre that was broken downe, and plante agayne, that was made waste. Euen I the Lorde haue spoken it, and wyll do it in dede. 37 Thus sayeth the Lorde God: I wyll yet ones be found agayne of the house of Israel & do this for them: I shall increase them as a flocke of men. 38 Lyke as the holy flocke and the flocke of Ierusalem are in the hye solempne feastes: so shall also the wylde wasted cyties be fylled with flockes of men: and they shall knowe that I am the Lorde.