4 The Heathen hearde of him, and toke hym in their nettes, and brought him in chaynes vnto the lande of Egipte.
5 Now when the damme sawe, that all her hope and comforth was awaye, she toke another of her whelpes, and made a lyon of him
6 which went amonge the lyons, and became a fearce lion, learned to spoyle and to deuoure folcke:
7 he destroyed their palaces, and made their cities waste. In so muche that the whole lande and euery thinge therin, were vtterlye desolate, thorow the very voyce of his roarynge.
8 Then came the Heathen together on euery side oute of all countreyes againste him, layed their nettes for him, and toke him in their pitte.