Ezekiel 11:7-10

Matthew(i) 7 Therfore, thus sayth the Lord God: The slayne men that ye haue layed on the grounde in thys cytye, are the fleshe, and thys cytie is the cauldron: But I wyll brynge you oute of it: 8 ye haue drawen out the sweard euen so wyll I also brynge a swearde ouer you, sayeth the Lorde God. 9 I wyll dryue you oute of this citie, and delyuer you into youre enemyes hande, and wyll condemne you. 10 Ye shall be slayne in all the coastes of Israell, I wyll be auenged of you: to learne you for to knowe, that I am the Lorde.