1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses saying:
2 In the fyrst daye of the fyrst moneth shalt thou sett vp the habitacion of the tabernacle of wytnesse
3 & put therin the arcke of witnesse, & couer the arcke wt the vayle,
4 and brynge in the table & apparell it, and brynge in the candelstycke and putte on hys lampes,
5 and sette the cense aultare of Golde before the arcke of wytnes, and put the hangynge of the doore vnto the habitation.
6 And sette the burntofferynge aultare before the dore of the tabernacle of witnes
7 and set the lauour betwene the taberuacle of witnes & the aultare, & put water therein,
8 and make the courte rounde aboute, and sette vp the hanging of the court gate.
9 And take the anoyntyng oyle and anoynt the habitation & al that is therein, & hallowe it and all that belongeth therto: that it maye be holy.
10 And anoynt the aulter of the burntofferynges & all hys vessels, and sanctify the aulter that it may be most holy.
11 And anoynt also the lauer & his fote, and sanctifye it.
12 Then brynge Aaron and his sonnes vnto the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, and washe them wyth water.
13 And put vpon Aaron the holy vestementes, and anoynte him & sanctyfye hym that he maye minister vnto me,
14 15 that their annointing may be an euerlasting preasthode vnto them thorowe out theyr generation.
16 And Moses dyd accordynge to all that the Lord commaunded him.
17 Thus was the Tabernacle reared vp the fyrst daye in the fyrste moneth in the seconde yere.
18 And Moses reared vp the tabernacle & fastened his sockettes, and set vp the bordes and put in their barres, & reared vp the pyllers,
19 & spred abrod the tent ouer the habitation, and put the coueringe of the tente an hye aboue it: as the lord commaunded Moses.
20 And he toke and put the testimony in the arcke, and set the staues to the arcke, & putte the mercy seate an hye vppon the arcke,
21 and brought the arcke into the habitation, & hanged vp the vayle, & couered the arcke of witnes as the Lord commanded Moses.
22 And he put the table in the tabernacle of wytnesse in the north side of the habitation wythout the vayle,
23 and set the bread in ordre before the Lord, euen as the Lord had commaunded Moses.
24 And he put the candelsticke in the tabernacle of wytnes ouer agaynste the table in the south syde of the habitation,
25 and sette vp the lampes before the Lorde: as the Lorde commaunded Moses.
26 And he put the golden altare in the tabernacle of wytnes before the vayle,
27 and brente swete sence thereon as the Lord commaunded Moses.
28 And set vp the hangynge in the dore of the habitation,
29 and set the burnt offering alter before the dore of the tabernacle of wytnes, & offered burnteofferynges and meate offerynges theron as the lord commaunded Moses.
30 And he set the lauer betwene the tabernacle of witnes and the aultare, and poured water therin to washe wt all.
31 And both Moses, Aaron & his sonnes washed their handes & their fete therat:
32 boeth when they went into the tabernacle of wytnes, or when they went to the aultare, as the Lord commaunded Moses.
33 And he reared vp the courte rounde about the habitation and the aultare & set vp the hangynge of the court gate: and so Moses finished the worcke.
34 And the cloude couered the tabernacle of wytnes, and the glorye of the Lorde fylled the habitation:
35 so that Moses coulde not enter into the Tabernacle of wytnesse bycause the cloude abode therin, and the glory of the Lord filled the habitation.
36 When the cloude was taken vp from of the habitation the children of Israel toke their iourneys as oft as they had iourneyed.
37 And if the cloude departed not, they iourneyed not tyll it departed:
38 for the cloud of the Lord was vpon the habitation by daye, and fyre by nyght: in the syght of all the house of Israell in all theyr iourneys.