Exodus 28:6-12

Matthew(i) 6 And they shall make the Ephod of golde, iacincte, scarlet, purpull and whyte twined bysse with brothered worke. 7 The two sides shall come together, closed vp in the edges therof. 8 And the gyrdell of the Ephod shalbe of the same worckemanshyppe and of the same stuffe, euen of golde, iacyncte, scarlette, purpull and twyned bysse. 9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and graue in them the names of the chyldren of Israell: 10 sixe in the one stone, the other sixe in the other stone: accordynge to the order of their birth. 11 After the worcke of a stonegrauer euen as signettes are grauen, shalt thou graue the .ij. stones with the names of the chyldren of Israel, and shalt make them to be set in ouches of golde. 12 And thou shalte put the two stones vpon the two shoulders of the Ephod and they shalbe stones of remembraunce vnto the chyldren of Israel. And Aaron shal beare their names before the Lorde vpon his two shulders for a remembrance.