5 and sayd: Yf it please the Kynge, & yf I haue found grace in his syght, & yf I be conuenient for the King, and yf it be accepted in his sight then let it be wrytten, that the letters of the deuyce of Haman the sonne of Hamadatha, the Agagite, may be called agayne: which letters he wrote, to destroy the Iewes in all the kinges landes.
6 For how can I se the euil that shal happen vnto my people? and how can I loke vpon the destruccyon of my kinred.
7 Then sayde kinge Ahasuerus vnto quene Esther, & to Mardocheus the Iewe: Behold, I haue geuen Esther the house of Haman, & hym haue they hanged vpon a tre, because he layed hand vpon the Iewes.
8 Wryte ye nowe therfore for the Iewes, as it lyketh you in the kinges name, and seale it wyth the kynges ringe (for the wryttinges that were wrytten in the kinges name, and sealed wyth the kinges ringe, durst no man dysanulle.)
9 Then were the kinges scribes called at the same tyme in the thirde moneth, that is the moneth Siuan, on the thre and twentyeth daye. And it was wrytten, as Mardocheus commaunded vnto the Iewes and to the princes, to the debities and captaynes in the landes from India vntil Ethiopia, namely an hundred & seuen & twenty landes, vnto euery one according to the wryttyng therof, vnto euery people after their speche, and to the Iewes accordyng to their wryttynge and language.
10 And it was written in the king Ahasuerus name, and sealed with the kinges ringe. And by postes that rode vpon swyft yong mules sent he the writtinges,
11 wherin the king graunted the Iewes (in what cities soeuer they were) to gather them selues together, & to stand for their lyfe, and for to rote oute, to slaye, and to destroy all the power of the people & land that woulde trouble them, with children and wemen, & to spoyle their good
12 vpon one day in all the landes of king Ahasuerus namely vpon the thyrtenth daye of the twelueth moneth whiche is the moneth Adar.
13 The summe of the writting was, how there was a commaundement geuen in al landes to be publyshed vnto al the people, that the Iewes shoulde be ready against that day to auenge them selues on their enemies:
14 & the postes that rode vpon the mules, made haste with al spede according to the kinges word: & the commaundement was deuysed in the castel of Susan.
15 As for Mardocheus, he went out from the king in royal apparel of yelow & whyte, and with a great croune of gould, beynge arayed wt a garment of linnen & purple, & the cyty of Susan reioysed & was glad:
16 but vnto the Iewes there was come light & gladnesse, & ioye & worshyppe.
17 And in all landes & cyties, into what places soeuer the kinges worde & commaundement reached, there was ioy & myrth prosperite & good dayes amonge the Iewes, in so muche that many of the people in the land became of the Iewes belefe, for the feare of the Iewes came vpon them.