6 And when Haman came in, the king sayd vnto him: what shalbe done vnto the man, whom the kyng would fayne bryng vnto worship? But Haman thought in his herte: Whome shoulde the kynge els be glad to brynge vnto worshippe, but me?
7 And Haman sayde vnto the kynge: Let the man vnto whome the king woulde be glad in do worshippe, be broughte hyther,
8 that he maye be araied with the royall garmentes whyche the kinge vseth to weare: and the horse that the kynge rydeth vpon, and that the croune royall maye be set vpon hys heade.
9 And let this raiment & horse be delyuered vnder the hande of one of the kinges prynces, that he maye araye the man withall (whome the kinge woulde fayne honoure) and carie hym vpon the horse thorow the strete of the citie, & cause it to be proclamed before him: thus shall it be done to euery man, whom the kyng woulde fayn honoure.
10 The kinge saide: make haste, and take as thou hast sayde, the rayment and the horse: & do euen so with Mardocheus the Iewe that sytteth before the kynges gate, & let nothinge fayle of all that thou hast spoken.