Ephesians 3:17-21

Matthew(i) 17 that Christ may dwell in your hertes by fayth, that ye beinge roted and grounded in loue, 18 might be able to comprehende wyth all sainctes, what is the bread and length, deapt and height: 19 and to knowe, what is the loue of Christe, whyche loue passeth knowledge, that ye myghte be fulfylled wyth all maner of fulnes, whiche cometh of God. 20 Vnto hym that is able to do excedinge aboundantly aboue all that we are or thinke, accordinge to the power that worketh in vs, 21 be prayse in the congregation by Iesus Christe, thorowout al generacions, from time to time. Amen.