12 and sayde vnto me. Vp, and get the downe quyckely from hence, for the people whych thou hast broughte out of Egypte, haue marred them selues. They are turned attonce out of the waye, whych I commaunded them, & haue made them a God of metall.
13 Furthermore the Lorde spake vnto me sayinge: I se thys people howe that it is a styfenecked people,
14 let me alone that I maye destroye them and put out the name of them from vnder heauen and I wil make of the a nation both greater and mo then they.
15 And I turned away and came downe from the hyll (& the hyll burnt with fire) & had the two tables of the appointment in my handes
16 And when I loked & saw that ye had synned against the Lorde our God & had made you a calfe of metall and had turned attonce out of the way which the Lord had commaunded yo
17 Then I toke the two tables & cast them out of my two handes, & brake theym before your eyes.
18 And I fell before the Lord: euen as at the fyrst tyme .xl. dayes & .xl. nyghtes & neither ate breade nor dranke water ouer all your synnes which ye had sinned in doynge wickedly in the sight of the Lord & in prouokyng hym.
19 For I was afrayed of the wrath and fearcenes wherwith the Lorde was angry wyth you, euen to haue destroyed you. But the Lorde hearde my peticion at that tyme also.
20 The Lorde was very angry with Aaron also, euen for to haue destroyed hym: But I made intercession for Aaron also the same tym
21 And I toke your synne, the calfe whyche ye had made & burnt him wt fyre & stamped him & ground him a good, euen vnto smal dust. And I cast the dust therof into the broke that descended out of the mount.
22 Also at Thaberah & at Masah & at the sepulchres of lust ye angred the Lorde,