Deuteronomy 8:13-17

Matthew(i) 13 & when thy beasse and thy shepe are waxed manye & thy syluer and golde is multiplied & al that thou hast encreased, 14 then beware lest thyne herte ryse & thou forget the Lorde thy God which brought the out of the land of Egypt the house of bondage, 15 & which ledde the in the wildernesse boeth great and terrible wyth fyry serpentes and scorpions and drought where was no water which brought the water oute of the rocke of flint: 16 which fed the in the wildernes with Manna whereof thy fathers knewe not for to humble the and to proue the, that he myght do the good at thy later ende. 17 And beware that thou saye not in thyne herte, my power & the myght of mine owne hande hath done me all these actes: