Deuteronomy 28:49-53

Matthew(i) 49 And the Lord shal brynge a nacyon vpon the from a farre, euen from the ende of the world, as swyfte as an egle flyeth: a nacyon whose tonge thou shalt not vnderstande: 50 a harde fauoured nacyon whiche shall not regarde the person of the olde nor haue compassion on the yonge. 51 And he shall eate the frute of thy lande and the frute of thy catell vntill he haue destroyed the: so that he shall leaue the nether corne, wyne, nor oyle, nether the encrease of thyne oxen nor the flockes of thy shepe: vntyll he haue brought the to nought. 52 And he shall kepe the in, in all thy cities, vntyll the hye & stronge walles be come doune wherin thou trustedest, thorow al the lande. And he shal besyege the in al thy cytyes thorow out all thy land which the Lord thy god hath geuen the. 53 And thou shalt eate the frute of thyne owne body: the flesh of thi sonnes and of thy daughters whych the Lorde thy God hath geuen the, in that straytenesse & seyge wherwith thine enemye shal besyege the,