19 And then we departed from Horeb and walked thorow all that greate & terrible wyldernesse as ye haue sene alonge by the waye that leadeth vnto the hylles of the Amorites, as the Lord our God commaunded vs, and came to Cades barne.
20 And there I sayd vnto you: Ye are come vnto the hilles of the Amorites, which the Lorde oure God doth geue vnto vs.
21 Beholde the Lorde thy God hath set the lande before the, goo vp and conquere it, as the Lord God of thy fathers sayeth vnto the: feare not, nether be discorraged.
22 And then ye came vnto me euery one and said: Let vs sende men before vs, to searche vs out the lande and to brynge vs worde agayne, both what waye we shall go vp by, and vnto what cyties we shall come.
23 And the sayinge pleased me well and I toke .xij. men of you, of euery trybe one.
24 And they departed and went vp into the hye contrey and came vnto the ryuer Escoll, and serched it oute,
25 and toke of the frute of the lande in their handes and brought it doune vnto vs and brought vs worde agayne and sayde: it is a good land whyche the Lorde oure God doth geue vs.