3 Then I loked vp, and sawe, and beholde there stode before in the riuer, a ramme, whiche had hornes: and these hornes were hye, but one was hyer then another, & the hyest came vp last.
4 I sawe that this ramme pushed with his hornes againste the west, agaynste the north, and againste the south: so that no beastes might stande before him, nor defende them from his power: but he did as him lysted, & waxed greatly.
5 I toke hede vnto this, & then came there an hegoate from the west ouer the whole earthe, and touched not the grounde. This goate had a maruelous goodly horne betwixte his eyes,
6 and came vnto the ramme that had the two hornes (whome I had sene afore by the ryuer syde) and ranne fearcelye vpon him with his might.
7 I sawe him drawe nye vnto the ramme, beynge very fearce vpon him, yea he gaue him suche a stroke, that he brake his two hornes: Neyther had the ramme so much strength as to stande before him: but he cast him doune, trodde him vnder his fete: and no man was able to delyuer the ramme out of his power.
8 The goate waxed exceadinge greate, & when he was at the strongest, his great horne was broken also. Then grewe there other foure suche lyke in the steade, toward the .iiij. windes of the heauen.
9 Yea oute of one of the least of these hornes, there came vp yet another horne, whiche waxed maruelous greate: towarde the southe, towarde the east, and towarde the fayre pleasaunt lande.
10 It grew vp to the host of heauen, wherof it did cast some doune to the grounde, & of the starres also, & trode them vnder fete.
11 Yea it grewe vp vnto the prince of the host from whom the dayly offeringe was taken, & the place of his Sanctuary casten doune:
12 & a certayne ceason was geuen vnto it, against the daylye offeringe (because of wickednesse) that it might cast doune the verite to the ground and so to prospere in all thynges, that it went aboute.
13 Vpon this I heard one of the sayntes speakinge, whiche saynte sayde vnto one that asked this questyon: How longe shall this vysion of the daylye sacrifice and of the wasting abhominacion endure: that the Sanctuarye and the power shall so be troden vnder fote?
14 And he answered him: Vnto the eueninge & the mornynge, euen two thousand and thre hundreth dayes: then shall the Sanctuarye be clensed againe.