4 Wherfore the Prynces and Lordes soughte, to pycke oute in Danyel some quarell agaynst the kyngdom: yet coulde they fynde none occasyon nor faute vpon hym. For why? he was so faythful, that there was no blame nor dyshonestye founde in hym.
5 Then sayde these men: we wil get no quarell agaynste thys Daniel, excepte it be in the lawe of hys God.
6 Vpon this, wente the princes and Lordes together vnto the kynge, and sayde thus vnto him: king Darius God saue thy lyfe for euer.
7 All the greate estates of the realme: as the princes, Dukes, Senatours, and iudges, are determed to put oute a commaundement of the kinge, and to make a sure statute: namely, that who so desireth any peticyon, ether of any god, or man (within this .xxx. dayes) excepte it be onlye of the, O kinge: the same person may be cast into the lions denne.
8 Wherfore, O kynge, confirme thou this statute, and make a wryttynge, that the thynge which the Medes and Perses haue ordeyned be not altered nor broken.
9 So Darius made the writtinge, and confirmed it.
10 Now when Daniel vnderstode that the writtinge was made, he wente into hys house: and the windowes of hys hall toward Ierusalem stode open. There kneled he doune vpon his knees, thre tymes a daye: there he made his peticion, and praysed his God, like as hys maner was to do afore tyme.
11 Then these men made searche, and founde Daniel makinge his petycyon and prayinge vnto his God.
12 So they came to the kynge, & spake before him concerninge his commaundement sayinge: O kinge, hast thou not subscribed the statute, that within .xxx. daies who so requireth hys petycyon of any God or man but onely of thy selfe, O kinge: he shalbe cast into the denne of the lyons? The kinge answered, and sayd: ye, it is true. It must be as a lawe of the Medes and Perses, that maye not be broken.
13 Then answered they, and sayde vnto the kynge: Daniel one of the presoners of Iuda, O kynge, regardeth neyther the, nor thy statute, that thou hast made, but maketh his peticion thre tymes a day.