23 but hast magnyfyed thy selfe aboue the Lorde of heauen, so that the vessels of hys house were broughte before the, that thou, and thy Lordes, with thy quene and concubynes, myght drincke wyne thereoute: And hast praysed the Idoles of syluer and golde, copper and yron, of wode and stone: As for the God in whose hande consysteth thy breth and all thy wayes: thou haste not loaued hym.
24 Therfore is the palme of thys hande sente hyther from hym, to token vp thys writinge.
25 And thys is the scrypture, that is wryten vp: Mane, Thetel, Phares.
26 Nowe the interpretacyon of the thynge is thys: Mane, God hath nombred the kyngdome, and brought it to an ende:
27 Thetel, thou arte weyed in the balaunce and arte founde to lyghte:
28 Phares, thy kyngdome is delte in partes, and geuen to the Medes and Perses.
29 Then commaunded Balthazar, to clothe Daniel wyth purple, to hange a cheyne of golde aboute hys necke, and to make a proclamacyon concerning him: that he shulde be the ruler of the thyrde parte of hys kyngedome.
30 The very same nyghte was Balthazar the kynge of the Caldees slayne,