Daniel 4:1-18

Matthew(i) 1 Nabuchodonosor Kynge vnto all people, kynreddes and tunges that dwell vpon the whole earthe: peace be multiplyed among you, 2 I thoughte it good to shew the tokens and meruelous worckes, that the hye God hath wrought vpon me. 3 O how greate are hys tokens, and howe myghtie are hys wonders? His kyngedome is an euerlastynge kyngedome, and hys power lasteth for euer & euer. 4 I Nabuchodonosor beynge at rest in minehouse, and floryshynge in my palace, 5 sawe a dreame, which made me afraied: & the thoughtes that I had vpon my bed, wyth the vysyons of myne heade, troubled me. 6 Then sente I oute a commyssyon, that all they which were of wysdome at Babylon, shulde be broughte before me, to tell me the interpretacyon of the dreame. 7 So there came the sothsayers, charmers, Caldees and coniurers of Deuyls, to whome I tolde the dreame, but what it be tokened, they coulde not shewe me: 8 tyll at the laste, there came one Daniel (otherwyse called Balthazar, accordynge to the name of my God) whiche hath the sprete of the holy Goddes in hym: to whom I tolde the dreame, saying: 9 O Balthasar, thou prince of southsayers: For so muche as I knowe, that thou haste the spryte of the holy Goddes, and no secrete is hyd from the: tell me therfore, what the vysyon of my dreame (that I haue sene) maye sygnifye. 10 I sawe a vysyon in my heade vpon my bed: and beholde, there stode a tre vpon the grounde, 11 whiche was verye hye, greate and myghtye: the heygth reached vnto the heauen, and the bredth extended to all the endes of the earthe, 12 hys leaues were fayre, he had verye muche frute, so that euerye man had ynough to eate therein. The beastes of the feld had shadowes vnder it, and the foules of the ayre dwelte in the bowes therof. Shortly, all creatures fed of it. 13 I sawe in my heade a vysyon vpon my bed: & beholde, a watcher came doune from heauen, 14 & cryed myghtely, sayinge. Hew doune the tre, breake of hys braunches, shake of hys leaues, and scatre hys frute abroade: that all the beastes maye get them awaye from vnder hym, and the foules from his braunches. 15 Neuertheles leaue the grounde of hys rote styll in the earthe, and bynde hym vpon the playne feld, with cheynes of yron and stele. With the dewe of heauen shall he be wet, and he shall haue hys parte in the herbes of the grounde wyth other wylde beastes. 16 That mans herte of his shal be taken from him, and a beastes herte shall be geuen hym, tyll seuen yeares be come and gone vpon hym. 17 This erande of the watcher is a commaundement grounded and sought oute in the councell of him, that is most holye, to learne men for to vnderstande, that the hyest hath power, ouer the kyngedomes of men, and geueth them, to whome it lyketh hym, & bryngeth the very oute castes of men ouer them. 18 Thys is the dreame, that I kynge Nabuchodonosor haue sene. Therfore O Balthasar, tell thou me, what it sygnyfyeth: for so muche as the wyse men of my kyngdome are not able to shewe me, what it meaneth. But thou canst do it, for the spryte of the holy Goddes is in the.