Daniel 2:18-23

Matthew(i) 18 that they shulde beseche the God of heauen for grace in thys secrete, that Daniel and hys felowes wyth other soch as were wyse in Babylon, peryshed not. 19 Then was the mysterye shewed vnto Daniel in a vysyon by nyght And Daniel praysed the god of heauen. 20 Daniel also cryed loude, and sayd: O that the name of God myghte be praysed for euer and euer, for wysdome and strengthe are hys owne: 21 he chaunged the tymes & ages: he putteth doune kynges, he setteth vp kinges he geueth wysdome vnto the wyse, & vnderstandynge to those that vnderstande, 22 he openeth the depe secretes, he knoweth the thynge that lyeth in darckenesse, for the lyghte dwelleth wyth hym. 23 I thanke the, and prayse the (O thou God of my fathers) that thou haste lente me wysdom and strength, & hast shewed me the thyng, that we desyred of the, for thou haste opened the kynges matter vnto me.