18 And when they were come to hym, he sayde vnto them. Ye knowe from the fyrste daye that I came into Asia, after what maner I haue ben with you at al ceasons
19 seruynge the Lorde with all humblenes of mynde, and with many teares, and temptacyons whiche happened to me by the laiynges awayte of the Iewes,
20 and howe I kept backe nothyng that was profytable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openlye, and at home in your houses,
21 wytnessyng both to the Iewes, and also to the Grekes, the repentaunce towarde God and fayth towarde oure Lorde Iesus.
22 And now beholde I go bounde in the spyryte vnto Ierusalem, and knowe not what shal come on me there,
23 but that the holy ghost wytnesseth in euerye citie, saiynge: that bondes and trouble abyde me.
24 But none of these thinges moue me: neyther is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe: that I myght fulfyl my course with ioye, and the ministracyon whiche I haue receyued of the Lord Iesus, to testifye the gospell of the grace of God.
25 And now beholde, I am sure that henceforth ye al (through whom I haue gone preachyng the kingdom of God) shal se my face no more.
26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye that I am pure from the bloud of all men.
27 For I haue kept nothynge backe, but haue shewed you all the counsell of God.