6 And the Apostles and elders came together to reason of thys matter.
7 And when there was muche disputynge, Peter rose vp, and sayde vnto them: Ye men and brethren ye knowe howe that a good whyle a go, God chose amonge vs that the gentils by my mouth shoulde heare the worde of the Gospell, and beleue.
8 And God which knoweth the herte bare them wytnes, and gaue vnto them the holy ghost, euen as he dyd vnto vs:
9 and he put no difference betwene them and vs, but with fayth purified theyr hertes.
10 Now therfore why tempte ye God, that ye woulde put a yoke on the disciples neckes, which neyther our fathers nor we were able to beare.
11 But we beleue that through the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ, we shalbe saued, as they do.
12 Then all the multitude was peased, and gaue audience to Barnabas and Paul which told what sygnes and wondres God had shewed among the gentyls by them.
13 And when they helde theyr peace, Iames aunswered, saiynge: Men and brethren herken vnto me.
14 Simon told, how God at the beginnynge dyd visite the gentyls, and receyued of them people vnto hys name.
15 And to this agreeth the wordes of the Prophetes, as it is wryten.
16 After thys I wyll returne, and wyll buyld agayne the tabernacle of Dauid which is fallen doune, and that whiche is fallen in dekeye of it, wyll I buylde agayne, & I wyll set it vp,
17 that the resydue of men myghte seke after the Lorde, and also the gentyls vpon whome my name is named (sayth the Lorde) which doth all these thynges:
18 knowen vnto God are all hys workes from the beginning of the worlde.
19 Wherfore my sentence is that we trouble not them whiche from among the gentyls are turned to God,
20 but that we write vnto them, that they abstayne them selues from fylthynes of ymages, from fornicacyon, from stranglyde and from bloude.
21 For Moses of olde tyme hath in euerye cytie that preache hym, and he is reade in the synagoges euerye saboth daye.