3 This fyrst vnderstande, that there shall come in the laste dayes mockers, which wyll walke after their own lustes
4 and say. Where is the promes of hys comminge? For sence the fathers dyed, al thinges continue in the same estate, wherin they were at the beginninge.
5 This they knowe not (and that willinglie) howe that the heauens a greate whyle ago were, & the earth that was in the water, appered vp out of the water by the worde of God,
6 by the which thinges, the worlde that then was, perished ouer flowen with the water.
7 But the heauens verely and earth, which are now are kept by the same worde in store, and reserued vnto fyre, agaynste the daye of iudgemente, and perdycyon of vngodlye men.
8 Dearly beloued, be not ignoraunt of thys one thinge, howe that one daye is wyth the Lorde, as a thousande yeare, and a thousande yeare as one daye.
9 The Lord is not slacke to fulfyl hys promyse, as some men count slaknes, but is patient to vsward and would haue no man loste, but would receyue al men to repentaunce.
10 Neuertheles the daye of the Lord wyl come as a thiefe in the nyght in the which daye, the heauens shal peryshe wyth terryble noyse, and the elementes shal melte wyth heate, and the earth wyth the workes that are therin shal burne.