15 and haue forsaken the ryght waye, and are gone astray folowing the waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor, whiche loued the rewarde of vnrightuousnes,
16 but was rebuked of hys iniquitye. The tame and dome beaste, speakinge with mannes voice, forbade the folishnes of the Prophete.
17 These are welles wythout water, & cloudes caried about of a tempest, to whom the miste of darkenes is reserued for euer.
18 For when they haue spoken the swellinge wordes of vanitie, they begyle with wantonnes thorowe the lustes of the fleshe, them that were cleane escaped, but nowe are wrapped in errours.
19 They promis them libertie, and are them selues the bonde seruauntes of corrupcyon. For of whomsoeuer a man is ouer come, vnto the same is he in bondage.