2 Kings 5:10-14

Matthew(i) 10 Then Elizeus sent a menssenger sayinge: go & washe the in Iordan seuen tymes, and thy fleshe shal come agayne to the as before, and thou shalt be cleane. 11 And Naaman was wroth and went away, & sayde: Beholde, I thought in my self, he would haue come out, & stand & cal on the name of the Lorde hys God, and put hys hande on the place of the disease, and so take awaye the leprosye. 12 Are not Abanah and Pharphar, ryuers of Damasco, better then all the waters of Israell? Myght it not rather washe in them and be cleane? And so he turned and departed in an angre. 13 Then came his seruauntes and communed with him, and sayde: Father yf the prophete had byd the done some great thinge, oughtest thou not to haue done it? How much rather then shouldest thou do it, whyle he sayth to the only, washe and be cleane. 14 Then he went doune & washed seuen tymes in Iordan, as the man of God bade, & his flesh chaunced, lyke vnto the flesh of a lyttel boye, and he was cleane.