2 Kings 5:1-7

Matthew(i) 1 Naaman capitaine of the hoste to the kynge of Siria, was greate wyth his mayster and wel taken: for thorow him the Lorde saued Siria. And he was an actiue man & yet a leper. 2 And ther had gone a companye of Soudioures oute of Siria a runnyng, and hath brought oute of the countrey of Israell a lytle mayd, which was with Naamans wife. 3 And the Damosell sayde vnto her ladye: I woulde my mayster were with a Prophet that is in Samaria, he woulde delyuer hym of his leprosye. 4 And she went and tolde her husbande sayinge: thus and thus sayth the maide that is out of the lande of Israel. 5 And the king of Siria sayde: go thy waye, and I will sende a letter vnto the kinge of Israel. And he went and toke with hym ten talentes of syluer, and .vi. thousand peces of gould, and then chaunge of raymentes. 6 And he brought the letter to the king of Israel contayninge this tenour. Now when thys letter is come vp to the: Beholde, I haue sent Naaman my seruaunte to the, that thou shouldest rydde him out of hys leprosye. 7 And when the kinge of Israell had reade the letter, he rent hys clothes & sayed: am I God to sley and to make aliue? that he should sende to me, for to delyuer a man from his leprosye. But consyder I praye you and se, howe he piked quarels with me.